Monday, September 30, 2019

Training and Developing Employees

Training and Developing Employees Multiple Choice: 1. Once employees have been recruited and selected, the next step would be: a. discipline and counseling. b. orientation and training. c. hiring and firing. d. socialization. 3. The ongoing process of instilling in all employees the prevailing attitudes, standards, values, and patterns of behavior that are expected by the organization and its departments is: a. values projection. b. orientation. c. socialization. d. diversity training. 5. There is the real possibility that courts will find that an employee's handbook contents represent a/an: a. alsified document. b. contract with the employee. c. incomplete document. d. vague document. 7. Training of a long-term nature that has the development of current or future management employees as its aim is usually referred to as: a. management evaluation. b. management development. c. management games. d. management case studies. 8. In order for firms to stay competitive when training and de velopment objectives change, they have to adapt by performing the following changes, except: a. improving product quality. b. boosting productivity. c. hanging technology. d. increasing employee turnover. 15. The first step in a training program is to conduct: a. training evaluation. b. training needs analysis. c. on-the-job training. d. job instruction training. 17. A technique for appraising the performance of current employees to determine whether training could reduce performance problems like excess scrap or low output is: a. task analysis. b. performance analysis. c. training analysis. d. motivation analysis. 22. The bottom line that should result from determining training needs is: a. xcellent job performance. b. performance analysis. c. task analysis. d. measurable training objectives. 25. A structured process by which individuals become skilled workers through a combination of classroom instruction and on-the-job training is referred to as: a. job instruction training. b. a pprenticeship training. c. vestibule training. d. computerized training. 32. A training technique in which trainees learn on the actual or simulated equipment they will use on the job, but in which the trainees are actually trained off the job, is: a. n-the-job training. b. off-the-job training. c. simulated training. d. actual training. 37. With a workforce that is becoming increasingly assorted, many more firms find they must implement: a. teamwork training programs. b. diversity training programs. c. value training programs. d. experimentation training programs. 39. The following are aims of the management development process, except: a. assessing the company's needs. b. appraising the manager's performance. c. developing the managers themselves. d. enhancing the industry's performance. 1. A management training technique that involves moving a trainee from department to department in order to broaden his/her experience and identify strong and weak points is called: a. global rota tion. b. action learning. c. job enrichment. d. job rotation. 43. In this management training technique, the trainee works directly with the person that he/she is to replace. What is this technique called? a. Replacement approach b. Coaching/understudy approach c. Succession planning d. Direct replacement approach 46.An off-the-job management development technique that involves presenting a trainee with a written description of an organizational problem is called a(n): a. action learning program. b. case study method. c. management game. d. coaching/understudy approach. 47. The following are features in the case study method, except: a. faculty providing the correct answer so students understand the case. b. the use of actual organizational problems. c. participants stating their views and inquiring into others' views. d. a minimal involvement by the faculty member. 3. A prospective division manager with a gap in experience with financial controls might sign up for a two-course sequ ence in: a. production control. b. managerial accounting. c. operational processes. d. managerial control. 55. A training program in which trainees are first shown good management techniques (in a film), are then asked to play roles in a simulated situation and are given feedback and praise by their supervisor is called: a. behavior modeling. b. role-playing. c. good example training. d. case study method. 58.Some employers have in-house development centers for managers and employees that would include the following, except: a. classroom learning. b. in-basket exercises. c. job analysis programs. d. role-playing. 61. An organizational development method that involves surveying employees' attitudes and providing feedback to departmental managers so that problems can be solved by the managers and employees is called: a. questionnaire analysis. b. diary logs. c. survey feedback. d. sensitivity training. Essay: 1New employee orientation has been shown to have measurable and positive eff ects on employee retention and satisfaction.In spite of this, many organizations do not have a formalized orientation process, and each employee gets a different orientation to the organization. Explain why you believe organizations do this. Outline how you would, as a new HR manager, convince management to implement new employee orientations. 2. The book listed a number of management development techniques. Which one do you believe is the most effective? Defend this choice and contrast it with at least three other techniques. Answers 1. b 3. c 5. b 7. b 8. d 15. b 17. b 22. d 25. b 32. c 37. b 39. d 41. d 43. b 46. b 47. a 53. b 58. c 61. c

Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Study of the Speaking Ability of Second-Year Students

Speaking is one of the language skills which are important for second language learners to be developed. Capability to speak English is the priority for many scandalmonger or foreign language learners. Therefore, this research was aimed at knowing the speaking ability of the second year students of SAM N 2 Sick Hull.The students may tell their experience after preparation before performing in front of the lass. This is the important part in developing their memory to make a well-arranged story. Their speaking will be analyzed through five components: pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. This research needs three raters in order to avoid subjectivity in evaluating the test. Keyword :Descriptive Research, Speaking ability, telling experience INTRODUCTION Speaking is a productive skill with which people produce words or send a message orally. This skill is closely bound up with the listening.Harmer (2001) states that in many situations productive skill is comb ined with the practice of receptive skills. The communication between two or more people is a blend of listening and speaking where the comprehension of what has been said is necessary for what the participant says next. Productive skills include speaking and writing, two critical components of the complex process of communication. There are countless reasons for communication between individuals: they have something they wish to express, there is something they wish to learn, and the list goes on and on.Speaking requires a greater degree of fluency and thinking â€Å"on the spot†, and requires practice and exposure to the language over time. While productive skills are the skills that involve the process of language production either in oral or written forms. Speaking as one of the productive skills should be learned by the students in order to carry out a communication with other people easily. Speaking plays an important role in social communication. Perhaps, this is becau se we can deliver our ideas and information to other people with oral communication.According to Martin Begat (1987) People speak to make interactions with other people, we often need confidence to speak in order to carry out many of our basic interactions. Consequently, improving your English speaking skills will help you communicate more easily and effectively. Furthermore, speaking is good for motivating the students to learn the language in their school. Speaking is designed to enable the students to communicate and interact to other people in order to gain and enrich their knowledge. Essentially, the goal of language learning is to enable the students to communicate in the language.Therefore, the main purpose of learning is aimed at increasing the students' skills in communicating English well. Definition of immunization mentioned is to understand and express information, mind, feelings and develop science, technology, and culture by using the English language (Depending, 2003) . English achievement in the future expected by learning English can develop their knowledge to all people in the world. Harris (1969) stated that speaking ability has five components which are generally recognized in analyzing speaking.They are as follows: a. Pronunciation includes the segmental features of vowels, consonants, stress, and intonation patterns. B. Grammar correct use of language with respect to word form and word order at the sentence level . Vocabulary is one of words include in language, have many words that must mastery to make the acquisition of an adequate vocabulary as essential for successful second language use. D. Fluency is probably best achieved by allowing the air stream of speech to flow then as some of this speech spill over beyond comprehensibility. E.Comprehension in brief speaking requires that not only knowing how to produce it well but also understanding when, what, and why to produce the language. The ability to speak cannot be separated from thes e five components. A good speaker will deliver the topic to make listener understand it easily. In some cases, students get problems in speaking. It is the fact that to be a good speaker or able to speak becomes a problem for most of students. Teachers always give lessons Just with old teaching techniques without give the students' chances to speak or deliver their ideas; students might be shy to make mistakes in speaking.In fact, students are not interested in studying more about English because of lack of motivation in classroom learning, students only receives materials, write, and follow all the teachers command. According to Joanna Baker and Heather Western (2003), there are many reasons why dents may find learning and using English difficult such as cultural differences, personal differences, and lack of confidence, no time for speaking when studying for examinations, preparation for speaking, and interest in topic.This can lead to real barriers to communication, and can contr ibute to poor motivation in learning. Whereas, we know that the purpose of learning English especially in speaking is to enable the students to use English well both accurately and fluently. In a language lesson, students need to spend time on becoming more accurate. But they also need o practice using the language fluently. 2 METHODOLOGY The population of this research is the second year students of SAM N 2 SICK HULL academic year of 2012-2013.The number of the students is 315. Because the population is large enough, it is necessary to have sample. According to Gay (2004), sampling is the process of selecting number of individuals for a study that represented the larger group from which they were selected. There are several appropriate techniques for selecting a sample which is suitable in certain situations. In this research, the writer use cluster random sampling technique. Cluster random sampling is sampling in which groups, not individuals, are randomly selected.The reason for choosing this technique is less time and easier to obtain permission to use all the students in certain class than several students in many classes. So, the writer takes only one class out of 9 classes as the sample of this research. There are 35 students who took the speaking test. The process of choosing the class is by using lottery. In this case, the writer uses the research instrument of speech in telling experience (recounting events) to collect the data. Each student will speak about their experience in front of the class one by one as a performance test.In order to get the data needed for this research, the writer had administered a test. The test was conducted to know the students' ability in speaking. Three raters checked the result by listening to the students' recorded speech and checking the pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension aspects. The raters give scores for each student. Finally, the scores of the raters are totaled and then divided by th ree. In scoring the students speaking ability, the writer uses the scoring which found in Harris (1974). All the aspects of speaking is divided by 5.Analyzing the students' speaking ability can be done as follows: 5 In order to know the level of ability of the students' speaking ability can be classified as follows: Test Score Level of Ability 81-100 Excellent 61-80 41-60 Mediocre 21-40 Poor 0-20 Very Poor Harms (1986) 3 RESULT AND DISCUSSION There are 35 students who took the speaking test. The students' score has been analyzed by three raters. After calculating the real scores of the students from each rater, the writer computes the students' scores from each rater to know the regenerates of the students who get excellent, good, mediocre, poor, and very poor level in speaking.The result of it can be seen as in the following table: Table 1 . The Percentages of the Students' Ability According to the Three Raters No 2 4 Score Range 81 -100 61 -80 41 60 21 -40 Total Frequency 9 17 35 Percentage 0. 00% 25. 71% 48. 57% 100% From table 1, the result of the test is mediocre. It is calculated by combining the students' scores from each rater and it divided by three. It shows that none of the students is in excellent level, 9 (25. 71%) students are in good level, 17 (48. 57%) dents are in mediocre level, then 9 (25. 1 are in poor level, at last, there is none of the student who got very poor level. By this, the writer concluded that this speaking test is not difficult for the students. After getting the score of the students from the raters, the writer classified the students' scores based on each component of speaking as shown in the following table: Table the Students' Average Scores for Each Aspect of Speaking According to The Three Raters Rater 1 The Aspects of Speaking Pronunciation Grammar Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension Rater 2 x 89 79 102 2. 26 2. 54 2. 57 2. 91 72 78 7 107 Rater 3 2. 06 2. 3 2. 49 3. 06 85 91 101 2. 29 2. 43 2. 60 2. 89 The Average Scores of Three Raters 44. 0 48. 0 47. 4 49. 0 59. 0 49. 5 Table 2 shows that the students' average scores for each aspects of speaking according to the three raters. The average scores of Pronunciation aspect is 44. 0. It means that 4 the most difficult aspect in speaking is pronunciation. Few students can say the words correctly and some of them frequently use wrong words. It can be shown in the following table: Table 3. The Percentages of the Students' Pronunciation Score Range Level of Ability Frequency 15 42. 86% 12 34. 29%

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Barrack Obama’s Campaign Speech Essay Example for Free

Barrack Obama’s Campaign Speech Essay Communication can be defined as the act/art of exchanging/transmission of thoughts or information by the means of speech, signs, written means and the behavior. It was the occasion of the America’s Presidential candidates Campaign when the Illinois Senator Barrack Hussein Obama delivered the speech announcing his will of seeking the democratic nomination for presidency in 2008. It was on Saturday evening (19. 06GMT) of February 10th 2007 on the Venue of Springfield, when the Senator Barrack Obama now the Elect president of United States of America delivered the persuasive speech used on this focus paper. In this Speech it excellently exploits the elements of speech. First, The candidate Senator Obama by that time was very prepared for the occasion against the deliverance of the amazing speech towards the audience. His introduction of the speech appreciates all the audience present and recognizes their vital role they do play for that occasion. For instances He starts by thanking all the people for their coming and gives the reasons why the occasion was very important to every individual. His introduction captures the attention of the audience giving time to deliver his message. Part of introduction was â€Å"†¦it’s humbling but in my heart I know you didn’t come here just for me, you came here because you believe in what this country can be. † Secondly there is use ‘of being yourself ’ while giving the speech. The Senator gives personal and professional examples and life history precisely, possibly helping him to gain support to emphasize his own points of the campaign. The self-example messages matches with the destined purposes of the Campaign. Thirdly, Obama stayed relaxed throughout the speech delivery session, very composed and maximal prepared for the outcome. He remained focused on passing the message. He too employed other means of speech presentation such as movement/ walking, gestures. In addition, the Senator used the Natural humor and avoided depicting/ pinpointing an individual from the Audience and he didn’t over do it thus maintaining the audience on move of the speech. The other element that I figure was the Body plans and hand positions. I keenly observed the movement and gestures of the Senator. He moved within the three positions – the right, the center and the left- and the hand position was well managed and maintained throughout the session. He didn’t hide behind the lectern and he excellently maintained the eye contact with the audience throughout the speech session. Lastly of the elements of speech, the Senator was very keen and well informed about every detailed he presented. He used the environmental reference that surrounded the Venue appropriately on his speech. He understands what is the past, currently and the future happening of the immediate ground. He keenly observes the audience to an extent of identifying some schoolmates but he didn’t mention their names. â€Å"†¦friends that I see in the audience. †. Speech Accomplishment: The speech is accomplishing the real mission of the Senator while being elected as the president of United States of America. He explains out what he will accomplish for the country when he will be in power. He gives new hope the people of America; to believe that ‘yes he can’ bring peace where there is war, bring hope where there is despair, reach what is more possible and build a more perfect union. The Senator aspires to establish convergence place where the farmers, teachers, students, businessmen, laborers, young and the aged, male and female, rich and the poor’s clamoring can be heard. The speech intends to accomplish the enlightenment of the US people the existence of presumptuousness in the present government calling for the change, in the faces of the depressed he will increase the employment opportunities in order to lift the millions out of poverty, Welcome the immigrants to the shores of America and experience justice and righteousness around the globe. The Senator contemplates the currently status of the US and around the globe and promises to accomplish missions such as to quench the anxiety of the feel of rising health care costs and the illusions of the stagnant wages, to bring the war in Iraq to an end by bringing the troops back home by march next year and give Sunni and Shia to resolve the problem and bring out peace, minimize oil dependency that is threatening America’s future, instill an ethic achievements in children by setting high standards of learning providing the resources for them to succeed, recruiting the new army of teachers and giving them the batter pay and more support for the exchange of accountability, making colleges affordable and investing in the scientific researches, to reshape the economy, strengthen the communities, to cut bureaucracy by use of technology, free America from the Tyranny Oil, solve the crisis of global warming by innovation and by capping the greenhouse gases, give incentives for the businesses, and destroying the deadliest unguarded weapons. The Speech was a persuasive, since it is persuading the people of America to elect the Senator as the President of America by voting for him in the year 2008. It was evidenced in his speech as persuasive where he says â€Å" †¦If you will join me in this improbable quest, if you feel destiny calling, and see as I see, a future of endless possibility stretching before us, if you sense as I sense, that the time is now to shake of our slumber, and slough off our fear, and make good on the debt we owe the past and the future generations, then I am ready to take up the cause, and match with you and work with you to finish the work that needs to be done. † The main aim of the speech was to persuade for votes that resulted to the delivery of the speech. But on the process he enlightens the people the critically analyze and keenly make judgment for the best next US president. I can also say it is informative to some extent that it elaborates the incidences that have been taking place and the others that are likely to take place in the United States of America. Audience’s reaction towards the speech was very applauding during the speech presentation and indeed the audience was very pleased with the amazing speech, contented that Obama can make out to be the best candidate to be elected and very disappointed with the previous disguised government. The speech disclosed the factual facts to the audience, which was the quenching of the long thirst, the beginning of the new hope and the change on which the Americans can believe in. At some points the multitude nodded their heads as a sign of concession/ agreement to what was spoken, and at some point the audience was pity as a sign of how sympathetic and pathetic the situation was in as per that time. The pattern of speech was sequential, topical and spatial. The speech was sequential since it has the introduction, the body and the conclusion as the structure of the speech. Obama welcoming the audience, he presents his speech (The body) where he factually speaks of what he should do when he will be in power, he identifies what to change and or improve, what to innovate and implement, what changes he is able to bring, what was the defects the previous government, and finally he give out his conclusion of expecting the people of America to vote for him if they want the change they can believe in. The speech was also topical since Obama Generally emphasizes on the Change that that Americans can Believe in. He bases his own speech on change and frequently mentions change throughout his speech. Despite of having other minor topics such as speaking about education, the economy, war, resources and the political history his main topic was about change. To some extent but not very, the speech was descriptive. It entails what to be done, how, when and by whom. Obama described in his speech for instance that the only source for change in America is people, the only peace in war at Iraq lies between Sunn and Shia, the only way to prosper in future is by doing the present that needs to be done. Also Obama gave the vivid description on how to solve some of the long-lasting problems in America. For instance the problem of global warming can be solved by innovations that can tap the greenhouse gases, creating more job opportunities, investments can solve the problem of poverty, practice of justice and establishment of converges to listen the clamoring of each and every one in the US. In conclusion, Communication is the transmission of information from one person to another. The occasion of the speech was during the campaign of the Presidential candidate of America on Democratic Party at Springfield. The utilized elements of speech were such as being prepared for the speech presentation, being yourself when representing speech, being composed and contented when delivering speech, body plan and hands position, gestures and movements. Accomplishment of the speech was to convince the audience to vote for Him/ Change. The type of speech was persuasive as he persuades for the votes, the reactions of the audience was a sign of relieve or being relieved if Obama was to be the president and indeed he became. Finally the pattern of the speech is Sequential, topical and somehow spatial. References: 1. Public Speaking an Audience-Centered Approach By Steven A. Beebe and Susan J. Beebe. (2008) 2. http://www. guardian. co. uk/world/2007/feb/10/barackobama. 3. http://www. ljlseminars. com/elements. htm. 4. Organization Pattern Of Speech By Osborn (2000). Barrack Obama’s Campaign Speech. (2016, Oct 02).

Friday, September 27, 2019

How the story of Cinderella has developed over time Essay

How the story of Cinderella has developed over time - Essay Example other literary tales, Cinderella came from an earlier oral tradition of stories that were recurring in different cultures around the world and they still show a lot of similarity even though the total known variants are more than seven hundred. There are different versions that have been made in to film at various points in time, and they include A Cinderella Story, which was a film that was directed Mark Rosman in 2004, Another Cinderella Story that was produced by Damon Santostefano in 2008 and Ever After: A Cinderella Story that was directed by Andy Tennant in 1999. Some versions that are in the form of books are The Rough Face Girl that was written by Rafe Martin and came out in 1992 as well as The Egyptian Cinderella, which was written by Shirley Climo. In all the versions of the Cinderella stories, the heroines are portrayed to be living in the middle to upper class societies and having loving fathers that are proper to their characters, birth as well as other traits but who ultimately leave or are forced out in one way or another. The heroines therefore, must prove themselves and participate in adventures or engage in work that will enable them to go back to the class and environment that they are familiar with. In the contemporary versions of the fairy tale the actresses that play the part are with no doubt beautiful, the attention is mainly drawn to the strength they possess, their knowledge as well as integrity as characters who are in charge of their own fates. The main difference that exists between the Cinderella tales that exist in the contemporary times and the cultural Cinderella is that they are set in varying times but the similarities in the tales outweigh the differences. All the central characters have a distinct visual appeal to her that makes her unique and stand out. For instance in Another Cinderella Story, Mary has hair that is dark brown in color while the others have hair of a lighter shade. The Rough-Faced Girl on the other hand

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Stratigec management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Stratigec management - Essay Example The first era is called as the ‘Entrepreneur era’ that starts from 1909 to 1939.In 1909 HFS built his first prototype with the help of Malvern boys college engineering workshop and W. Stephenson Peach, grandson of the inventor of the â€Å"Rocket†. ( . Sir John Black helped in attaining patent for sliding pillar suspension. The designs made by HFS were lightweight and simple for reliability. In 1910 the Morgan Runabout was showcased at the Olympia motor show London. The three wheeler runabout was a car made with the aim of making low priced vehicle available to the masses. The Three wheelers benefited from the lowering of the road taxes by  £3 ( The Morgan motor company gained reputation by 1928 as the most preferred sports car. Many more sports versions were launched because of their strong grounding and also greater speed. By 1936 the factory started producing 30,000 cars but by this time the concept of three wheeler cars became i rrelevant. As a solution to tackle this problem, HFS designed a car with four wheel and four cylinder models. The period between 1945- 1975 marks the second thirty years of Morgan history. This period was the â€Å"Gung Ho† sports car Era. As time passed on many more new cars were produced like the new version of four-seaters with a modern look and Morgan motors became the first car company to get celebrity endorsements. ( This era saw the emergence of his son Peter Morgan Stanley as a creative and innovative leader. The next era started from 1975 to 2005 which was characterized by the world wide safety and emission standards for the motor industry. In this stage, the company realized their social responsibility and worked towards contributing and protecting the environment. The company improved the working conditions for the employee and also gave more attention to quality of the products. The Morgan aero eight was launched in this

The Cinematic Auteurist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Cinematic Auteurist - Essay Example Some of the major arguments against auteur theory are that the theory is not applied across wide range of film artists and is often confined to the creative inputs of directors. People also believe that it also gives undue credit to the directors when they are supposed to transform the script into films. As directors are supposed to make films as per the script, the originality factor of directors is meaningless. In the contemporary times, auteur theory significantly impacts the marketing of films not only in Hollywood but throughout the world. The personal style of the directors is used as a market statement for advertising the film across all formats of media. The popularity of the directors therefore becomes the key element within the market strategy of the films. The eminence of director and his creative inputs to the scripts give huge credibility to the film and help to market it with success. Hence, auteur theory helps provide the genre of the film with new dimension of interpr etation through the eyes of the director’s creativity. Auteur theory also affects the way that films are analyzed by critics and audiences. The scripts with common themes and issues become stupendous success as films because of the way the issues are treated within the wider scope of film making. The director as main anchor, helps to visualize the thematic portray in a highly sensitive way which gives a unique perspective to the otherwise common issue. Hitchcock films and films by Steven Spielberg have created their own niche market because they have successfully transformed common themes into work of art. Thus, individual contributions of directors often become important part of film success which the critics use to analyze the films.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Gender, Labor, and livelihoods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gender, Labor, and livelihoods - Essay Example In my opinion, the gender difference is being lessened due to escalating female participation and decreasing male participation. I also presume that the lessening male participation is due to the rising enrollment of young males in tertiary and secondary education (Elson 613). Two, the transformation to paid work for women is expected to enhance the bargaining power of women in the family. Three, by engaging women in paid labor, it ensures sufficient distribution of women and men in significant economic sectors, for example, transport and services, construction and agriculture. Four, paid labor for females ensures that there is a decrease in gender stereotyping in employment. I presume this will guarantee equal distribution of females and males across broad occupational categories and sectors. Consequently, these causes development as more women are paid to work in the productive economy and less are left to work in the reproductive economy, for example caring for friends and familie s, thus, complementing their male counterparts in the productive economy leading to development in a country (Elson 618). Question 2 Global labor markets may be presumed to be gendered institutions. Economy experts frequently assess labor markets as neutral areas whereby sellers and buyers interact. Sellers and buyers are distinguished by sex and as having different preferences and endowments in the labor markets. In my view, there is discrimination on the basis of sex if there is not an account by the dissimilarities in elements, for example, job experience and education. I suppose discrimination on the basis of sex may be treated as lasting depending on the tastes of employers (Elson 611). In addition, the relation between an employer and an employee in the global labor market is not gender ascriptive in a similar way as the relationship between a husband and wife. Nevertheless, the relation between an employer and an employee is a bearer of gender in the sense that it contains a number of social stereotypes which link masculinity with possessing authority over people in the place of work. It also contains stereotypes depicting what the work of a man and the work of a woman should be. The informal and formal laws which design the venture of labor markets are manifestations of the gender relations of the society in which the labor market is rooted. Therefore, I suppose global labor markets illustrate existing issues of gender subordination and domination, and also the potential for change, subordination, and tensions which is a feature of any gender association even if authority is not equally distributed. In my view, the most significant way in which labor markets are gendered institutions is how they function at the juncture of manners of making a living and care. Question 3 There are a number of factors which may address this issue. Number one is work hours. Research carried out in Bangladesh indicates that between 1990 and 1991, male employees were workin g for approximately 53 hours per week, while female employees worked for approximately 56 hours per week. In addition, these female employees were also involved in longer hours of unpaid labor in the reproductive sector than male employees (Elson 613). Therefore, the hours of working makes people working in export oriented

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

WGST400 Assignment 3 Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

WGST400 Assignment 3 - Research Proposal Example I have never visited the two countries, but it will be of essence to me to know how the two countries handled women issues. For example, I will be interested to know whether the way they handled and addressed women issues was similar or different to my country. Currently, I see many women getting involved in various aspects of our societies. Moreover, many women have been in the forefront in managing and leading issues of our societies. It will be prudent to know how this has transformed throughout the history. I believe that not so many people are aware of what women encountered during this period, and therefore, it will be crucial to know about women in the period and get a lesson from it. I hope to learn how feminism and pacifism progressed in the two countries during the period of the war. The other focus will be to know how it changed after the war. Additional attention will be to know how feminism and pacifism in the two countries influenced other parts of the globe. I have not addressed this topic in my previous research. The topic is appropriate for WGST400, as it will be informative to my readers and me. I will, therefore, have the advantage of having a broad area to cover as I focus on unearthing various issues related to feminism and war. Although lack of previous exposure will be a challenge, I believe I will gather a wealth of information. I also have confidence that various information that I will gather will be satisfactory for this course. In the research paper, I seek to focus on how feminism faired during the period of war in terms of nationalism and pacifism. I will also address the feminist/ pacifist response to war and the differences that arose in various women groups because of war. Moreover, I will seek to show the changing women roles and challenges in England and France due to the advent of war. I will be consulting various sources in this research. The sources seem valuable in addressing the issues that I have

Monday, September 23, 2019

Samsung as a new IT leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Samsung as a new IT leader - Essay Example This paper concerns the marketing as a business strategy by which a manufacturer or producer of any goods or services shifts from the basic production function and takes into concern the needs and requirements of the customers-to-be. In this case, a manufacturer aims at discovering what customers’ interests in a rival product are and then attempt convince them that their product is better than the rivals’. The marketing department sells the product to the customer in such a way that the customer feels they have gained from the bargain more utility than they have paid for. Concisely, the main work of the marketing department of any institution can be summarized as to identify, satisfy and retain customers. Oversaturation of markets with similar goods from different manufacturers is among the many factors that resulted in development of marketing strategies. Therefore, a distinction between products by different manufacturers must be made to ensure that a customer knows t he product they are choosing well before making judgment. In addition, a manufacturer should know the trends, tastes and preferences of customers as they change with the times. This means that if technologically savvy people are shifting towards the use of smaller but feature packed gadgets, then the manufacturer should either adapt or produce the ideal gadget for consumers. Conversely, the manufacturer can try various available advertising methods to convince customers as to why their gadget is much better than their gadget of choice. Therefore, in order to achieve its objectives and remain competitive, a firm should be capable of anticipating and satisfying customer needs better than competitors (Armstrong, Harker, Kotler and Brennan 2009, p.7). Market and Literature Review Apple versus Samsung Brand There are two main differences between the two brands, market perception and pricing. Customers assume that products that tend to be for the high-end market are of higher quality. On the other hand, consumers in a market could be concerned by the number of features available in a product. Therefore, before venturing into the Chinese market, it is necessary to know the consumer perspectives about products from both companies in order to determine the measures that the firm should take to ensure competitive and profitable sale of Samsung products (Mankiw 2009, p. 290; Joshi 2005). The major concern for a consumer in the Chinese market is the authenticity of electronics since traders have

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Letter for Google Essay Example for Free

Letter for Google Essay Dear Mr. Schmidt:Â  From the inception, the field of Sales and Marketing has enticed me at its best and has motivated me to opt for such courses that further foster my interest in the same field and build up more skills. Therefore, I did my bachelors in which I opted Marketing courses as my electives, and now I am doing MBA in the same field. Taking courses does not suffice; in fact, there must be some practical work experience where we can apply what we have actually learned. As far as the work experience is concerned, I have done two internships – first in an FMCG company and the second in a Pharmaceutical company. I have been part of industries that have dynamic sales and marketing departments; therefore, I made the most of my internships and learned as much as I could along with developing good relationships with the employees. I have build up certain skills and abilities that include not only understanding the customers and their attitudes, but also keeping them satisfied, boosting up sales, and devising effective marketing campaigns. Google is an organization where I can apply my existing knowledge and skills and further polish them, since the Sales and Marketing of Google is quite strong and have loads of knowledge and expertise to be acquired. I have highlighted some of my key skills and qualifications as follows: ØÂ   Ability to understand other people’s attitudes and behavior and act accordingly; this involves the presence of Emotional Intelligence ØÂ   Ability to work as a team member and as a team leader, keeping counterparts motivated and directed towards the goals ØÂ   Strong forecasting and decision-making skills ØÂ   Adept in making marketing plans, conducting feasibility studies, devising creative ideas and effectively implementing them ØÂ   Some Human Resources skills such as, organization, administration, motivation, and managing the resources efficiently My knowledge, skills, and hand-on experience would be suitable enough for your organization and can benefit it. Moreover, I would welcome the opportunity to have an interview for internship where I can express my qualifications in a better way. I am really looking forward to it and would be grateful to you. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Name Enclosure References Video attached

Friday, September 20, 2019

Modern British Cinema: Themes and Perspectives

Modern British Cinema: Themes and Perspectives INTRODUCTION The history and rich heritage of the modern British cinema can be rooted from its rich history and films which were produced in the past and served as an unwavering inspiration to the themes and perspectives which were evident in the British films which were shown today. One of the most common themes existent among the British films of today would most probably be the concept of social realism. This theme, as being present and influential in the production of modern British films, represents the actual happenings in the real lives of the people, together with all the difficulties and predicaments which were present in the peoples daily struggle to survival. The stories and the people which were portrayed in the films were reflective of everyday characters and usually are have an economic background belonging to the middle class group in the society. The theme of social realism started to be portrayed in British films in as early as the 1960s with also the emergence of the so-called B ritish New Wave. Some of the films in the past which showed themes of social realism include Look Back in Anger, Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, and The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner. Because of the presence of social realism in various literatures in the past, most of these movies were based on written novels and produced plays which showed the same theme. Furthermore, it has been noted that social realism is more than just a genre in modern British cinema, it is considered to be a dominant form of cinema. This theme of social realism is often coupled with political awareness as such has been also noted to be permissive in British cinema. Modern films with the themes of social realism include Trainspotting, My Name is Joe, This is England, and Human Traffic (Strozykowski, 2008) Moreover, new perspectives in the British cinema is also said to have been focused in masculinity, showing themes which were centered and aptly inspired by the British men in the society, or at least, the crisis in British masculinity. Furthermore, more than the crisis, it is said that what the British cinema actually articulates would be the dilemmas of identification and ideology for modern British men. (Claydon, n.d.) LOOKING FOR ERIC One of the British films in the modern society would have been Looking for Eric which was show in theaters last year. The central theme which was depicted in the movie Looking for Eric could be aptly described as how a football player was able to run away from the trials and problems which life has confronted him and it also shows how the heroes of footballs can bring for fans. The movie was directed by an English director in the name of Ken Loach while the story was written by Paul Laverty. The main casts of the movie included real-life football fantasy and superstar, Eric Cantona together with Steve Evets. According to the director of the film, the movie was actually intended to show the life of major celebrities as being only as simple and as complicated as everyone life and the notion that we are stringer as a tem rather than as separate individuals with differing goals and perspectives. The film was also used as an entry in a competition, the 62nd Cannes Film Festival. The movie was considered to be an exceptional addition to the glitz and glamour of the film festival as it showcased the presence of the Manchester United and France footballing legend. The film was shot in the United Kingdom, distributed by Icon Film Distribution and produced by the company owned by Loach which was Sixteen Films. It was said to have an estimated budget of 4 million pounds. THE SYNOPSIS AND PLOT The movie depicts a bitter sweet comedy illustrating the life of a loser postman who was able to receive words of wisdom from Eric Cantona, who is also Eric Cantona in real life, a philosophical football legend who is considered to be the hero of another character in the said movie. The movie is also said to be a significant addition to the list of movies which were football related in terms of the story or the central plot. The movie was all about a middle-aged postman who was able to find employment at the Manchester sorting office through the character of Eric Bishop. Bishop in the movie was going through a dreadful crisis in life which sprouts other themes which were evident through the course of the film. Bishop was alo looking through and guiding the growth of his grand daughter which makes him make contact with his ex-wife, Lily. The grand daughter is a main reason why he needed to still establish close relationship and contact with Lily despite the fact that the two were already separated after Bishop abandoned her when their first child was born. His son, Ryan, was then hiding a gun in their house which is used by the gangsters which are present in the place. In one of Bishops weakest and most depressing time, he considers the possibility of committing suicide in order to end the adversaries which have been confronting his life. Furthermore, in order to discount the possibility of such occurrenc e, a meditation session was held inside his room and after which, he had a clearer perspective of things and let go of the possibility of ending his only life and instead went to see the philosophical football legend which happens to be another Eric, in the person of Eric Cantona. His visits to the football star were able to give him enlightenment after Cantona gave him several words of wisdom and inspiration which gave him ideas on why he should go on with his life. Such visits led to an improvement in his relationship with his ex-wife. Bishop also discovered about the hidden gun and he immediately confronted his son after finding it out. When his son was confronted, Ryan did not deny of his involvement with the gangsters in the place. Bishop returned to the gun the rightful group. His sons were said to be making his life more problematic and they are deemed to bring Bishop into an early death with all the problems that the two have caused in Bishops life. When he returned the gun, he was forced to keep it himself and a series of unfortunate events followed which even included a posting of a humiliating video of him in a video uploading site. The entire family was then arrested and the house was searched in order to find the gun but it was nowhere to be found all over the place. Bishop was given different words of wisdom and advice by Cantona. With a number of fanatics of the Manchester United football team, in an operation which they dubbed as Operation Cantona, Bishop sneaked through the gangsters house to be able to find the gun and threatened that they will also release a humiliating video of the gang just like what they have earlier did to Bishop. Cantona was considered by Bishop to be like a genie who suddenly pops out of the bottle, acted his life coach, and gave him more inspiration and reasons to be able to enjoy and live life despite the predicaments especially with all the trouble that confronted him as being brought about by his children. The movi e ended with the scene of a graduation of one of Bishops children, depicting a happy family and finally enjoying a peaceful life. CLOSER LOOK AT THE MOVIE With the central characters which assumed the major roles in the movie, it can be said that the film revolved around the lives of two Erics Bishop and Cantona who each had their fair share in the flow of the story. The first Eric is the depressed one who has been confronted with numerous challenges in his life, from his children, to his ex-wife, and even to the environment in which he has been living. However, the second Eric was legendary and ghost-like. He was like a genie who provided words of wisom and encouragement to be able to inspire the former Eric in his life amidst all the struggles which confronted him. Like in any other works of Ken Loach, the movie included a spectacular cast which has been deemed to be perfect in the portrayal of their respective roles in the movie. The meticulous casting process for Looking for Eric is said to be an additional in the bones of the character and also serves as an embellishment in the whole process of completing the movie. In the movie, the most important and central character is not the legendary football player, but the little Eric who found inspiration in the middle of his struggle to survival. Moreover, the humor in the story can be especially seen and illustrated in the scenes where Cantona has been giving the other Eric a series of advises to help him go on with living his life instead of trying to end it because he was confronted with too many troubles. Form this advises, there were presence of self-deprecating humor which included his metaphors. The enigmatic philosophical ramblings of Cantona were depicted in the film without losing the to uch of humor to provide more interest in the storyline (Strozykowski, 2009). The presence of social realism in the central theme of the film cannot be also discounted as the main characters and setting of the film revolves around the middle class society and reflects their struggle for survival in the middle of the illustrated political and economic situation. THE DIRECTOR As what has been mentioned earlier, the movie was directed by Kenneth â€Å"Ken† Loach, a native of Warkwirshire. His earliest experiences in the fields of movie and television can be attributed to his membership at his schools experimental theater club. His first experiences in directing were harnessed as he joined ABC television in the year 1961and he then switched to BBC after several years. One of his most notable works in the field of television entertainment would have been The Wednesday Play which he did in collaboration with the skills of Tony Garnett. The said work of the two directors is said to have been a significant evolution and revolution in the field of British drama as such show has spurred political debates. The drama is said to be a socialist as it has been geared towards providing an inspiration to the middle class members of the society to become agents who could be able to potentially revolutionize and inspire the existence of economic change in the Briti sh society. Ken Loach has always been a name surfacing in the Cannes Film Festival as his works have made him one of the favorites in the said award-giving body. During the eyar 2006, the director won the most prestigious award at Cannes, the Palm dOr for his movie entitled The Wind That Shakes the Barley which is about the troubles in Ireland. The most successful works of Loach in the field of British entertainment were said to be exploratory of the varying dimensions of the life of human wherein the personal dimensions intersect with the political aspects. His works show the fusion of politics with the lives of ordinary human beings and how such can greatly affect the mode of living. Much of the directors works were aimed towards the criticism of capital targets which included gangsters, exploitative employers, conservative employers, and loan sharks, which have been a common theme in his works. The artistic visual style of Loach as a director is said to be unassuming, illustrating careful narrative construction, and showing performances which are sympathetic making the target audience relate into the situations which were depicted by the motion picture. The political points which Loach tries to emphasize in his works could be seen arising from natural emotions and situations which are shown to be very realistic. The exis tence of humor in his works cannot be also discounted as such themes make the claims of the film stronger, and at times, can also add sarcasm to the political satires which the film expects to deliver. Loach has already an experience of almost 40 years in the industry with an estimated works of almost 60 films which included theatrical figures and works which were intended not to be show in cinemas but only in the televisions yet still depictive of the same themes and concepts which were common in the directors works. It has been said that most of his finest works were explicitly political with a tough of humor and powerful emotion inspired by the directors intellectual ideas and major concepts. His works were said to be one way of depicting the nations unconscious as it illustrates what has been actually happening in the modern society in terms of the political and economic dimension. Despite hindrances in the industry such as financial constraints, fickle artistic trends, and the ebb and flow in politics, Loach remains in his commitment of providing the society with films which are committed to progressive ideals. The most powerful scene sin the movies which were created by Loach were said to be established in a setting were a large group of film characters were gathered as they discuss and debate over various issues, mostly were political and economical. For instance, in his movie The Big Flame the characters were shown to be having a conversation as they try to organize a strike, in the movie Land Of Freedom there was also a scene which depicts an extended debate in which the characters were fighting about land reform, and the movie Bread and Roses depicted a scene where the janitors were having an argument on whether or not they will be joining an established union. Other works of Ken Loach include the following movies: Poor Cow, Kes, family Life, Black Jack, Looks and Smiles, Fatherland, Hidden Agenda, RiffRaff, Raining Stones, Ladybird Ladybird, Land and Freedom, Carlas Song, My name is Joe, Bread and Roses, The Navigators, Sweet Sixteen, Ae Fond Kiss, Tickets, McLibel,.The Wind That Shak es the Barley, Its a Free World, and Looking For Eric (Robins, n.d.). REFERENCES: Strozykowski, M; Social Realism in British Film; 2008 Claydon, A. E.; New Perspectives on British Cinema: Going Beyond the Crisis in Masculinity Robins, M; Senses of Cinema: Ken Loach The Internet Movie Database; Looking for Eric; 2009 The Official Website of Looking for Eric The Movie; 2009

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Are Leave No Trace Principles Effective? Essays -- Environment Environ

Are Leave No Trace Principles Effective? Leave No Trace is philosophy of seven concepts that help minimize human recreational impact on wild lands. As wilderness recreation has become more popular, and the National Wilderness Preservation System has increased its wilderness lands from 9.1 million acres in 54 wildernesses in 1964 to 104 million acres in 628 wildernesses in 19991, the need for guidelines to help reduce degradation of these lands has become increasingly important. In 1979 Jim Bradley wrote about the need for an educational approach for managing recreation impacts instead of regulations that antagonize the public rather than win their support2. Teaching good practices is more effective than imposing strict regulations because most harms done to the wilderness by recreational activities is due to lack of knowledge of a less impacting technique, and because it is very difficult to enforce regulations in large tracts of wild and remote lands. Leave No Trace Principles: 1) Plan ahead and Prepare 2) Travel and camp on durable surfaces 3) Dispose of waste properly 4) Leave what you find 5) Minimize campfire impacts 6) Respect wildlife 7) Be considerate of other visitors Some of the concepts have effects that are less tangible or less able to be empirically evaluated, such as: ?be respectful of wildlife, and ?be considerate to other visitors. However, these two concepts have far reaching implications, and in a sense embody the other five guidelines: ?plan ahead and prepare, ?travel and camp on durable surfaces, ?minimize fires, ?leave what you find, ?properly dispose of waste. If one is respectful of wildlife, and considerate of other visitors, then they will plan ahead and prepare so that they ... ...ore aware of the consequences of littering, and also more aware of the positive effects of treating everything with more care and respect. Sources Cited 1 2 (History of Leave No Trace) 3 Leave No Trace North America booklet (P. 10) available at 4 (History of Leave No Trace) 5 6 Professor Ralf Buckley, â€Å"Breakdown of Human Waste in Three Sub-Tropical Australian Ecosystems† available at 7 Professor Michael D. Ellis â€Å"The Fate of Feces and Fecal Microorganisms in Human waste in Alpine, Temperate, and Arid Environments and the Impact of Disposal Methods on Surrounding Environment† available at

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Fur Is Dead Research Paper -- essays research papers fc

The grade I recieved for this paper was an A+, just incase you were wondering.... â€Å"Fur is Dead† Taking a look into a once strong industry, shocking facts are revealed. The fur industry brings in an average of $1.5 billion in sales each year. Furs were considered a beautiful and feminine version of clothing by many women, until the public became aware of the horrors that accompany the industry. Activists have been a voice for animals tortured for their fur, making the public aware, and diminishing the old view of fur. Approximately 3.5 million fur-bearing animals are killed each year by trappers, and another 2.7 million are raised on fur ‘farms’. (1) The fur industry is a ‘for-profit’ venture, meaning methods that maximize production and keep costs at a low rate are used, this often leaves no room for humane treatment. About 90% of all ranched fur bearers are minks. (2) Foxes, rabbits, and chinchillas account for most of the remainder. These animals are kept in filthy, cramped, and diseased conditions. Foxes are kept in wire-mesh cages only 2.5 feet square, with up to four animals per cage. Minks and other species are typically kept in 1-foot-by-3-foot cages, again with up to four animals per cage. Animals born at fur farms live very short lives, and because profit is the grand interest, the cheapest methods are used to slaughter the animals. The cheapest methods are also the most inhumane, crude, and cruel methods. Trapping is also a method for obtaining furs. The suf...

Developmental Psychology Journal Articles Essay -- Papers

Developmental Psychology Journal Articles The five journal articles I examined were all from a journal titled Developmental Psychology, May 2000. The first journal article that I observed was "Sleep Patterns and Sleep Disruptions in School-Aged Children." This study assessed the sleep patterns, sleep disruptions, and sleepiness of school-age children. Sleep patterns of 140 children (72 boys and 68 girls; 2nd-, 4th-, and 6th-grade students) were evaluated with activity monitors (actigraphs). In addition, the children and their parents completed complementary sleep questionnaires and daily reports. The findings reflected significant age differences, indicating that older children have more delayed sleep onset times and increased reported daytime sleepiness. Girls were found to spend more time in sleep and to have an increased percentage of motionless sleep. Fragmented sleep was found in 18% of the children. No age differences were found in any of the sleep quality measures. Scores on objective sleep measures were associated with subjective reports of sleepiness. Family stress, parental age, and parental education were related to the child's sleep-wake measures. The next article I observed was "Shared Caregiving: Comparisons Between Home and Child-Care Settings." The experiences of 84 German toddlers (12-24 months old) who were either enrolled or not enrolled in child care were described with observational checklists from the time they woke up until they went to bed. The total amount of care experienced over the course of a weekday by 35 pairs of toddlers (1 member of each pair in child care, 1 member not) did not differ according to whether the toddlers spent time in child care. Although the child... ...h their mothers and their fathers on separate occasions in their families' homes. Parent-child pairs played for 8 minutes each with a feminine-stereotyped toy set (foods and plates) and a masculine-stereotyped toy set (track and cars). Levels of affiliation (engaging vs. distancing) and assertion (direct vs. non-direct) were rated on 7-point scales every 5 seconds from the videotapes for both parent and child. Overall, the play activity accounted for a large proportion of the variance in parents' and children's mean affiliation and assertion ratings. Some hypothesized gender-related differences in behavior were also observed. In addition, exploratory analyses revealed some differences between the different ethnic groups. The results highlight the importance of role modeling and activity settings in the socialization and social construction of gender.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Where to use mean, median or mode to make a decision

Measures of average are also called measures of central tendency. Their purpose is to provide a numerical figure which may describe the level of entire distribution. For example let five students be awarded marks as follows. 10, 11,9,12 and 13. All these scores are different from each other but at least there is one such score to which the rest of the scores standby or nearby. There are three measures of central tendency as follows; mean, median and mode (Srivastava et al. , 1989). These are used at different occasions when making a decision for example when the administration of the state is requiring to collect and analyze data related to population and material wealth of the country for the purpose of planning and finance. Mean can be used when making the instructional decisions. This can be used by a teacher to get the knowledge about the student’s entry behavior and background; in this case the distribution should be normal meaning all the scores should be present. By getting the mean of the student’s scores, the teacher will be able to identify the teaching technique to use according to their strengths and weaknesses. Consequently, the mean should be used when the teacher is evaluating the degree to which the objectives have to be achieved so that he/she will be able to encourage good study behavior among the students. Incase the scores are scattered the mean must be used so that all the scores are brought together to enable decision making to take place may be about the performance. Median should be used for guidance decisions. Students should be guided in their vocational choices; educational performance and their personal problems therefore median can be used to determine the average performer in class and can be advised accordingly. At the same time, median is used to make guidance decisions especially when a quick and easily computed measure is required to provide the data about significant characteristics which can help a certain group of people to understand themselves better. Mode should be used in research decisions in the sense that for any research to be carried out there must be collecting of the data on the issue at hand. After collecting the data, scoring, and analysis should be done and interpretation of the whole information given. When the information is incomplete mode must be used. It is also used when one wants to know the fashion of the most recurring measure or score.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Current and Future Relevance of Development Anthropology

What does happiness mean? Ask this question to different individuals and surely you will obtain varying answers. There could be related or similar answers, but no two individuals will have the identical definition of happiness, unless of course, they had a prior discussion on the matter and took time to set parameters on how they would define the term. It is just like saying that one’s definition of happiness can be as unique as one’s fingerprint. Why is this so?As human beings, each of us has his/her own purpose in life. We may have the same basic needs to keep us alive. but each of us has his/her own desires and aspirations as we go on living These are our goals in life. Up to what extent we are able to reach our goals becomes the basis of fulfillment, which in turn is the parameter of a person’s definition of happiness.There are more than 101 ways to define happiness because human beings as individual living organisms vary. Each one of us has a certain uniquen ess which sets us apart from other members of the Animal Kingdom.Similarly, development is a term which is as subjective as the word happiness. Probably because both terms involve the satisfaction of humans’ needs and wants. This is why there are numerous bases for the achievement of both. But unlike the meaning of happiness which is taken more on an individual context,   a discourse on the meaning of development is much more complex because it involves not just one human being but a community, or even a whole nation.The meaning of development depends on various paradigms. Defining it quantitatively in terms of economic growth has become inadequate which makes it even more difficult to give a concrete meaning of the word. Thus, different schools of thoughts and various disciplines have their own arguments on how to properly define the term while trying not to overlook how the term itself is being perceived by the objects or targets of the development process.The various dis courses on and practices of development have paved the way for the rise and growth of development anthropology. (Escobar 1991)Development anthropology is defined as:The application of anthropological perspectives to the multidisciplinary branch of development studies. It takes international development and international aid as primary objects. In this branch of anthropology, the term development refers to the social action made voluntary by different agents (institutions, business, enterprise, states, independent volunteers) who are trying to modify the economic, technical, political or/and social life of a given place in the world, especially in developing nations. (Wikipedia)Development anthropology which takes off from the conventional or traditional view of development is what is being espoused by scholars such as Escobar. The traditional view of development is development according to how Western societies view it which is much more about modernization of local cultures and the adoption of Westernized lifestyle. In the paper, â€Å"Anthropology and the Development Encounter: The Making and Marketing of Development Anthropologyâ€Å", Escobar presented and discussed this view and as conclusion, called for a revision on the practice of development anthropology, specifically in the utilization of development models which he referred to as â€Å"recycled combination of the traditional growth models.†Development anthropology, for all its claim to relevance to local problems, to cultural sensitivity, and to access to interpretive holistic methods, has done no more than recycle, and dress in more localized fabrics, the discourses of modernization and development. Can the good intentions of development anthropologists be preserved and their activities be reoriented significantly in ways that undermine, rather than reinforce, these paradigms? (1991: 677)It is this view that made him towards the end of the article pose the question: Is there a future relev ance for development anthropology? Escobar went on further to conclude that:Anthropological studies of development will of course continue to be important, but they would take a different form. Anthropologists could examine how communities in the Third World are progressively constituted through the political technologies of development, and could elucidate the larger cultural and economic projects that such technologies deploy with them. First, however, it will be necessary to renew our way of listening to the voices of different groups of people in the Third World, without making them into signs of a need for development, and to renew our awareness of the suffering caused by human institutions and actions, development or otherwise.Finally, anthropologists may contribute through this type of work to a collective practice of re-envisioning ways of organizing societies and economies, ways of relating to nature and to one another that have a better chance for life. In the process, we may discover other ways of caring and of healing the ravages brought about by development in the Third World. Some grassroots social movements seem to be pointing the way. (ibid: 678)Escobar emphasizes that it should be the people themselves who should decide on the course of the development process based on what he called â€Å"local realities†. The idea should come from within and not from the perception of outsiders who usually consider the lack of modernization as the take-off point for the development process.In his paper â€Å"Anthropology and Development: Evil Twin or Moral Narrative?†Ã‚   Gow (2002) pointed out the weakness of the localization of development as being espoused by Escobar due to the current trend of globalization. He explains that â€Å". . . the present effects and future implications of globalization (however much contested), surely demonstrate once and for all the limitations of what is now ambiguously termed localization. Certain human needs and human rights can be taken as universal, the basis for a moral narrative in this new millennium of development.† The moral narrative that Gow is referring to is the dilemma of anthropologists (the writers) in   defining development in terms of the vision of a good society.   To quote:By framing the values of development in moral terms, rather than say economic terms (the market) or political terms (democracy), these writers not only escape from the tyranny of ideology, academic discipline, and political fashion; they also elevate the general tone of development discourse, for what they are proposing is a vision of the â€Å"good society†. (ibid: 310)I believe that the current and future relevance of development anthropology depend on whether it follows the path being suggested by Gow, that is, elevating the meaning of development in terms of   the moral vision of a good society.   In this age of satellite technology, when even the remotest places on Earth co uld have access to communication facilities and the mass media, the preservation of local culture is becoming a serious concern.People are influenced by modernization as they are exposed to various forms of technology, and many of them especially the younger generation aspire to leave and prefer to settle for a much modern lifestyle in cities. More than ever, development anthropology is relevant in order to direct the correct path of development wherein the living condition of the poor is alleviated to the point wherein they will have enough basic needs and services while at the same time retaining their cultural identity and who they are as a people is never lost or forgotten.The role of development anthropology therefore should be focused on determining the people’s vision of a good society, and from there the design of a suitable development framework and the conceptualization of strategies that could guide institutions in coming up with the right formula for development. This way, Escobar’s grassroots involvement is compromised while being open to the trend of globalization. An example would be to consider the willingness to commercialize the production of exotic handicrafts which are originally for sole domestic consumption. If the people look at this as a way to alleviate their economic condition while promoting their culture, then the development anthropologist should see this from a positive perspective and not as a sign of moral degradation.Development anthropologists have focused on four themes in performing their role which defines their current and future relevance to humanity.An increasingly focused sense of the anthropological contribution defined in terms of what anthropologists say about culture and social relationsOpposition to the marginalization of indigenous peoples and their knowledgeCynicism about the aims and practices of developmentThe emergence of critical views of development and the development processLIST OF REFERENCES Escobar, Arturo. (1991) ‘Anthropology and the Development Encounter: The Making and Marketing of Development Anthropology.’ American Ethnologist [online] 18 (4) 658-682. Available from [22 May 2009]Gow, David D. (2002)’Anthropology and Development: Evil Twin or Moral Narrative?’ Human Organization 61 (4) 299-313Wikipedia (n. d.) ‘Development Anthropology.’ Available from [30 May 2009)

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Bill Miller and Value Trust Essay

1. How well has Value Trust performed in recent years? In making that assessment, what benchmark(s) are you using? How do you measure investment performance? What does good performance mean to you? Value trust had outperformed its benchmark index, the Standard & poor 500 Index for 14 years in a row; am average annual total return of 14.6 percent, which surpassed the S&P 500 by 3.67% per year. Value trust had earned a cumulative return of more than 830% over the previous 14 years, more than double that its average peer and the index. There are two ways to mearsure investment performance; the percentage of annual growth rate of NAV assuming reinvestment (the total return on invenst) and the absoulute dollar value today of an investment made at some time in the past. These measure then compared with the performance of a benchmark portfolio such as the Russel 2000 Index or the S&P 500 Composite Index. 2. What might explain the fund’s performance? To what extent do you believe an investment strategy, such as Mill’s explains performance? Some observers attributed this success to the fund manager’s conscious strategy of staying fully invested at all times rather than attempting to time the extent of market investments. Another popular explanation for the fund’s performance was the unusual skill of Bill Miller, the fund’s portfolio manager. His approach was research-intensive and highly concentrated when 50% of its assets were invested in just 10 large-capitalization companies and he was not averse to take large positions in the stocks of growth companies. 3. How easy will it be to sustain Miller’s historical performance record into the future? What factors support your conclusion? NOT EASY EMH LUCKY EVENT 4. Consider the mutual fund industry. What roles do portfolio managers play? What are the differences between fundamental and technical securities analysis? How well do mutual funds generally perform relative to the overall market? Technical analysis: This involved the identification of profitable investment opportunities based on trends in stock prices, volume, market setiment, Fibonacci numbers,etc. Fundamental analysis: This approach relied on insights afforded by an analysis of the economic fundamentals of a company and its industry: supply and demand costs, growth prospects, etc. Mutual funds were able to perform up to the market on a gross-returns basis; however, when expenses were factored in, they underperformed the market. 5. What is capital market efficiency? What are its implications for investment performance in general? What are the implications for fund managers, if the market exhibits characteristics of strong, semi-strong, or weak efficiency? Three levels of market efficiency. 6. Suppose that you are an advisor to wealthy individuals in the area of equity investments. In 2005, would you recommend investing in Miller’s Value Trust? What beliefs about the equity markets does your answer reflect?

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Duncan’s room

There's no such thing. It is the bloody business which informs Thus to mine eyes. † (2. 1. 23). Macbeth's brain is so overloaded or agitated, about the murder that It projects a symbol of murder, the bloody dagger. After killing Duncan, Shakespeare uses the blood symbol to express Macbeth's fear and guilt over his crime. Macbeth says, â€Å"What hands are here! Hal they pluck out mine eyes† (2. 1. 24). Macbeth says that the sight of the blood or even the idea is so awful it figuratively hurts his eyes, indicating the extent of his stonishment.Macbeth not only is horrified by the murder, but also feels extreme guilt After the killing of King Duncan. â€Å"this Is a sorry sight† (2. 2. 18), proclaimed Macbeth looking at his bloody hands movements after the murder. Maybe Shakespeare is trying to show us that Macbeth has a little sympathy for his wrong doing; however, Lady Macbeth seems to think that's a foolish thing to say. Later that evening lady Macbeth notices a spot on her hand. â€Å"Out, damned spot! , I say! † (5. 5. 29-31). This bloody spot will not come out. Is this a sign of guilt or perhapsShakespeare Is hinting she wont get away with what she did. â€Å"It will have blood, they say, Blood will have blood† (3. 3. 5-39). This meaning whoever is involved In these crimes will someday become victims of them or maybe â€Å"a little water clears us of these deeds† (22. 64) Lady Macbeth thinks this as she washes her hands with water. As seen in the quote, blood symbolism serves as a continuous indicator of characters Sleep is another one of the many symbols used. Sleep is something that is meant to be peaceful and innocent, â€Å"sleep signifies the nature and essence for a person Bernard).In this play it symbolizes death and culpability. It became something people feared rather enjoyed. Some didn't feel safe because they felt like they might be next person to die. â€Å"Me thought I heard a voice crying sleep no mor e! † (2. 2 34-50). Macbeth has killed someone in their sleep but now he cannot sleep. He killed a blameless man and now it's coming back. â€Å"Sleep has now become a torture of the mind rather than to lie in restless ecstasy' (Barnard). It was said before sleep is a representation of innocence; so now that virtuousness has been murdered.He will o longer be able to sleep because of this fault he holds. â€Å"Shakespeare allows Lady Macbeth and Macbeth to commit these crimes but punishes them by not allowing them to rest† (Bernard). They will never be able to turn back. â€Å"done cannot be undone† (5. 1. 30-45). Lady Macbeth states later that once something had been done, you can't go back and reverse it. So even if Macbeth is starting to fell contrite for what he had done it is too late. Shakespeare continues to use the symbols of sleep and sleep withdrawal in his play to express pain and repentance. Both Lady Macbeth andMacbeth experience unfruitful nights. Th e sleep walking scene is a perfectly logical outcome of these feelings. Lady Macbeth was seen sleep walking while talking about the murder. â€Å"Shakespeare is expressing the importance of sleep by using sleep deprivation as a sign of remorse† (Bernard). Her talking in her sleep showed that she felt guilty. Shakespeare also uses the Banquds murderers to warn him of what will happen to him if he continued to go through with the prophecy. â€Å"It will drain him dry as hay; sleep neither night not day hang upon his pent house lid he shall live a man f forbid† (3. 1-20). This is another example of Shakespeare warning Macbeth that his wrong doings will come with no reward. Through the play Shakespeare brilliantly plays around with sleep by using it in ways that are obvious and hidden. He makes the audience think their own definitions of sleep. It makes someone believe that although sleep is precious, it is one thing that only comes easily to people with clear conscience. In Macbeth case, he cannot sleep until he himself is killed. He loses something precious that is often taken for granted because of what he has done.Shakespeare chose to repeatedly mention sleep because whether it is at the end of the day or end the end of ones life, everyone eventually goes to sleep. Yet Shakespeare gives the reader a better idea of how valuable it truly is, Shakespeare also knows how to get you mind thinking by using symbols in the form of other living objects like animals. Sleep and blood are only two of the many symbols used in the play. Shakespeare has interwoven the symbol use of animals throughout his play. Not only does he allude with the accuracy of a naturalist to the peculiarities and habits of ertain targets but also to animals. Shakespeare use of animals is often repellent and even repugnant to the audience† (Olsen). They always serve a purpose. For example the owl was used to represents fatality. â€Å"Tis unnatural a falcon tow ring in her prid e of place was by a musing owl hawked at and killed† (2. 2. 10-21). The owl represents Macbeth and the falcon represents King Duncan who Macbeth killed. Expressing how unnatural it is for an owl to kill a hawk because owls usually for mice. Duncan. The owl announcing Duncan's death is revealing how it is connected to the upernatural world.Just like the owl was used as an import and symbol, so was the bird. â€Å"The raven himself is hoarse: that croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan under my battlement†(l . 5. 38-40). The raven is a bird of ill. Lady Macbeth was referring that even the bird was Horace from saying king Duncan must die, lady Macbeth was trying to say the bird was a sign that they should go on with the plan and kill the king. This symbol Just like all the others, is giving the reader a hint for something to happen in the future of the play, Shakespeare also has ways to make an audience feel some ype of way when something has occurred. They have tied me to a stake; I cannot fly but bear like I must fght the curse†

Friday, September 13, 2019

Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Literature - Essay Example In other stories, particularly children’s books, setting hardly plays any role at all. The setting of three short stories – Ernest Hemingway's  Soldier's Home, Colette's  The Hand  and Katherine Mansfield's  Miss Brill  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ will be discussed in this essay. I will look at the public and private aspects of each setting to show that even when setting is not integral to the plot, it can reveal important truths about the characters.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Soldier's Home, from its very title, alerts us to the setting of the story (Meyer). However, it is not so much the physical positioning of the story that the title refers to as a genuine philosophical question, which can be asked of anyone whose travels irrevocably change them, war or no war: when a person changes, how can their home still be good enough?  The Hand, alternately, is one of those stories mentioned above in which the setting is almost irrelevant, as the action is a lmost entirely internal, externally restricted to the couple's bed. In  Miss Brill, the protagonist focuses on and is enchanted by the setting. The three authors imbue their setting with different levels of importance: the seaside park features as a place of enjoyment in Miss Brill's routine, and her presence there directly causes the climax of the plot.  Krebs' house in  Soldier's Home  exacerbates his feeling of despair without actually causing it; Colette's protagonist remains unaware of her physical surroundings as she focuses exclusively on her new husband's â€Å"monstrous† hand (reference). In each story there is a public setting and a private setting. This essay will define these settings for each story before contrasting the ways in which this literary device is used.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1925, Ernest Hemingway published a collection of short stories called  In Our Time, one story of which was  Soldier's Home. This story features Krebs, a young man who returns to America from World War I in 1919, a year after the war has ended and long after other local soldiers have returned home. He â€Å"did not want to leave Germany† (Hemingway), and now feels like an outsider. The public and private dichotomy of settings in  Soldier's Home  is complicated, because Krebs experiences degrees of privacy: in his bedroom, he admits to himself that â€Å"he did not really need a girl†; when on the front porch, he â€Å"liked to look at them† but when in town, â€Å"their appeal to him was not very strong† (Hemingway). In the privacy of his bedroom and the pool room, Krebs can escape the changes and simply  be, thoughtlessly. In the public areas of his house and the local town, he must  come face-to-face with manifestations of  how the war changed him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the settings beyond his private bedroom, Krebs is unable to handle other pe ople, their needs and personalities. He is unable to participate in a romantic relationship because he â€Å"did not want any consequences† – the German and French girls, possibly prostitutes, with whom he fraternized in Europe characterize â€Å"simple† relationships (Hemingway). This crisis runs so deeply within him that, in the kitchen, he tells his mother that he does not love her, by which he means he cannot love anyone. The war has taken so much of him that he cannot deal with other people.   

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Is Ham correct that the connection between science and naturalism is Assignment

Is Ham correct that the connection between science and naturalism is 'arbitrary' - Assignment Example Regardless, a theory that lacks a few of the criteria may still be scientific if it is accompanied by sufficient reasons. But if a theory lacks most or all of these criteria, it falls short of being scientific (Losse 137-149). The defining feature of all theories of science and their accompanying understanding is the capacity to make testable predictions, which then limits the room for error. The bearing and certainty of those estimations helps to determine how scientific theory will be useful in the future. By contrast, supernatural theory lacks any observable predictions, thus fails the minimum thresholds for scientific evidence in what enables prospective scientists to refrain from that particular line of (Losse 177). Supernatural causes advocated by Ham are based on predictions which are not reasonably certain for scientific testing, thus are also not useful. Losse said falsifiability of scientific criteria makes scientific theory more reliable than Ham’s supernatural causes, especially when applied in important predictions (178). Ham’s rigid, faith-based creationist philosophy is unacceptable as scientific because it does not obligates its members to explore various formulae to test its reliability overtime and or make important adjustments to it, hence the lack of evidence-based growth. And by being supported by several independent bodies of evidence, rather than one foundation, the scientific criteria outperform Ham’s supernatural theory which does not have any divergent criteria drawing similar conclusions about nature hence the its lack of its acceptability in science. The criteria also make scientific knowledge look consistent with past experimental outcomes, which lack in supernatural theory and thus, create the best platform for drawing accurate predictions of the future in the same way past theories have been made (Losse 107). By being correctable, scientific theory outperforms the rigid supernatural theory in the sense

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Biology - Prader-Willi Syndrome Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Biology - Prader-Willi Syndrome - Research Paper Example It was first described by Andrea Prader and Heinrich Willi in 1956. It is a rare genetic disorder in which seven genes or some subsets are deleted, translocated or unexpressed on the paternal chromosome 15. For the genes affected in PWS, the paternal copy is expressed while the maternal one is silenced. The PWS genes are maternally imprinted making the copy inherited from the father active. With this copy absent in PWS due to chromosomal translocation, both copies are imprinted in the maternal realm making the normal genes absent. Therefore people with PWS have a working and a non-working copy. The characteristics of PWS are stunted development in the intellectual functioning same as those associated with intellectual disability. A chronic feeling of hunger that can lead to excessive hunger and life –threatening obesity arises. Then there is a likelihood of strange behavior or complications that may have effect on ones quality life or on the family members negatively. These ch aracteristics draw the quest for scientific research because the genes which are not expressed and thought to be responsible for the disorder are imprinted. PWS is an example that shows the function of imprinted genes in development. This knowledge has led to extensive research about imprinted genes, their occurrence and process of imprinting. There are two different genotypes for PWS which ultimately lead to two phenotypes, causing the need to understand the causes of the phenotypic differences, identifying the gene and their products and discern whether they are imprinted or no (Butler 12). However, the effects of the syndrome vary from individual to individual and on different factors. This has made the exact nature of the abnormality and whether one or more genes are involved to be unknown. Some physical and behavioral features are inherently present while others are not. The syndrome poses major implications for the developing baby in the uterus and throughout the personâ€℠¢s life. At birth there is extreme floppiness and subsequent cognitive, physical and behavioral abnormalities that eventually lead to widespread medical and social needs. Information on the disorder is got from parents whose children have ever developed it, or medical practitioners who have had such a case. The following are clinical features and signs of PWS at different levels of development: In utero, there is decrease in fetal movement, frequent abnormal fetal position and seldom excessive amniotic fluid, a condition known as polyhydramnios. At birth, there is often caesarian births, difficulties in feeding due to poor muscle tone affecting the sucking process, and respiratory difficulties. At infancy level, the difficulties in feeding advances, oversleeping is evident, crossed eyes and delay in intellectual development. At childhood there are notable delays in speech production, overeating from the age of 2-4 years leading to excessive weight gain and sleeping problems. At adol escence, puberty delays, obesity sets in followed by extreme flexibility and a short physique. In adulthood, infertility is common in males and females, vulnerability to diabetes mellitus, learning disabilities, obesity and reduced growth of pubic hair. The general physical appearance of a PWS adult victim comprise the following characteristics: incomplete sexual development, excess fat on the central part of the body, high, narrow forehead, small hands and feet, light skin and hair unlike other family members, and delayed motor development (Waters 85). Cognitively, PWS patients have low or below average intelligent quotient that is generally unusual. Children portray a high visual and perception capacity on reading and writing with poor articulatory and understanding processes. Coordinating received information word by word is relatively hard for them as well as poor arithmetic skills, leading to memory lapses and auditory retention span. Abnormal behavioral patterns include insati able appetite resulting in increased obesity. The cause for

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Porter's short story the grave Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Porter's short story the grave - Essay Example The development of the story from beginning to end is such that it keeps the readers interested in the story at all times. ‘The Grave’ communicates many themes and we will, in this essay, attempt to highlight some of those themes in detail. The story is mainly telling that there is always life after death, and that life is of a cyclical nature. We will attempt to prove this through our analysis of the story. The story is about two siblings Paul and Miranda, and their experience which they gained from a hunting trip. The story has many themes hidden in its portrayal of Miranda. The two siblings found two items, a dove and a ring, from the emptied graves of their grandfather. After this discovery, they went to hunt and Paul was successful in hunting down a rabbit, which turns out to be a pregnant female. This hunt gave Miranda an experience of womanhood that overcomes her innocence forever. The maturation of Miranda, the cyclic nature of life, and death and recovery are th e three major themes dominating the story and each will be discussed in the paper in detail. Maturation of Miranda: From Innocence to Womanhood The character of Miranda is the main focus of the story. She is a nine year old girl that is out on a hunting trip with her brother, but seems to be more interested in firing than hunting. She is out to hunt but actually is fascinated by the sound of gunshot and likes to walk around. Her brother is a hunter and acts as a protector of Miranda. The portrayal of Miranda in the beginning depicts the innocent nature of the girl. She is child that is fascinated by travelling on foot and shooting. She is also keen to discover new things. Overall she is introduced in the story as an innocent child that is free from all defects. The innocence of Miranda is clearly depicted during the hunt when her brother tells her not to fire aimlessly at anything. She is an innocent child that, even tough is on a hunting trip, escapes the brutality we generally ass ociate with hunting of animals. But author only builds up the innocence of Miranda to depict her transformation to womanhood. When Miranda finds a dove in the empty grave of her grandfather she is excited. But what excites her even more is the ring that her brother found in the grave. The mere exchange of the two items beautifully depicts the transformation of Miranda from an innocent child to a woman. The ring makes Miranda feel like a woman as she wears the ring thinking about her inappropriate attire. She immediately felts a need of a fresh bath and changing of clothes, both of which are evidence of her newly found womanhood. The transformation of Miranda is not immediate but it happens in a step by step manner. The last stage of maturation of Miranda from an innocent child to a woman comes when her brother kills a pregnant rabbit. The mere sight of the baby rabbits in the belly of the mother invokes strange discomfort in the mind of Miranda. She becomes aware of the process of r eproduction and how her own body can give birth to other human beings. The sight it seems snatches every bit of innocence from Miranda and marks the beginning of her journey to womanhood. The maturation of Miranda signifies the continuity of life after death. The death of the female rabbits is followed by the realization of Miranda about her own ability to give life. The author attempts to portray that death is followed by life, and both are a continuing process. The dead rabbit

Monday, September 9, 2019

Control Over IT & Cyberspace in Aviation in the United States Essay

Control Over IT & Cyberspace in Aviation in the United States - Essay Example 5 D. RFID†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 5 2. Future Study on Technology†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 6 II. Communication and Networking†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 6 1. United States Aviation (boarder Management)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 6 A. Helping hand to police department†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 7 B. Using worldwide information sharing†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 7 2. People in the ground†¦Ã¢ € ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 8 A. Traveling Agencies†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 8 III. Cybercrime in Aviation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 9 IV. Possible elements of threats†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 10 V. Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.... 10 VI. Bibliography†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢ € ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 12 Technology in Aviation Current Technology Overview As a crucial element in the competitive marketplace innovation in the technology is vital for the air transport industry. Technological achievements greatly influenced aviation field when more computer- and web-based applications, techniques and tools are applied in the daily work of aviation sectors. In the recent years the Internet and web-based applications became some of the main technological achievements and advantages in the world, which main positive and efficient feature is to help millions of people to ease the process of finding and accessing necessary information quickly and precisely. It is expected that in the future more than three billion people would be using the global air transport system. The air travel passengers of the future would expe ct information and personalization whenever and wherever they travel. According to 2009 SITA Report, there are five new technologies that will simplify and smooth the air travel journey for passengers within the next five years. Such technologies include Web 2.0, mobile devices, Near Field Communications, biometrics and RFID. It is expected that these five new technologies will meet the changing and increasing needs and expectations of worldwide travelers in addition to improving their air travel experience starting from the flight choice decision and ending with the landing at the final destination. Web 2.0 Until recently there were two types of aviation-related websites, including aviation news and websites about aircraft markets providing the platform to trade for sellers and buyers. However, the modern Internet users and passengers require improved communication through interaction and participation. That is why, integration of Web 2.0 into aviation industry helped to open such websites as Flightblogger, AirplaneGeeks, UncontrolledAirspace, PlaneBuzz, RunwayGirl, Flightaware, and many others. These websites created â€Å"user-powered† passengers of the Web 2.0, who can communicate, interact and share information and flight experience. Popular social websites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and others have special aviation-related categories and groups. Websites like and became popular social networks dedicated to aviation, including forums, photo albums, walls for posting notes, etc. Linked-In helps to connect