Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Mrs Dalloway - Analysis Of The Film Essays - Literature,

Mrs Dalloway - Analysis of the Film Upon viewing ?Mrs. Dalloway? I was not impressed. The movie seemed to jump from the present to the past. The character Septimus didn't appear to have any purpose in the storyline. Clarrisa also seemed to be tightly bound by the Victorian lifestyle of the day to make her interesting to me. The plot just seemed too hard to follow. This movie must have been for people that look for meaning deeper than I. I believe that Mrs. Dalloway was fixed on the past. For one thing, the audience never saw Clarissa Dalloway think about the future; she always went back to the past. Every time she stopped to think about something it was of the past, for example; the flashback of the night of boating, and Septimus' delusional thoughts of World War I. I think her one true love was Peter. I think she married Mr. Dalloway because she was scared to admit that she loved Peter in more than a "brotherly way." When she was older and seeing Peter at the party, I think she regretted not marrying Peter. Perhaps the movie would have been more interesting if Clarissa would have been more free spirited like Peter or Sally. Septimus did not have a well defined role in the film. He was constantly reliving his days in the war, and appearing to everyone that insanity has become him. His purpose was unclear, the story just jumped from Clarissa to Septimus. Whether he parallels or is an opposite of Clarissa, I don't know. If Septimus was a parallel of Clarissa, then his character was played well, being that he, like Clarissa, constantly thought of the past, and never the future. Making the two most similar, yet they seem different in that Clarissa recollects on happier thoughts, while Septimus dwells on depressing thoughts of the first world war. Clarissa was obligated to the Victorian lifestyle, seen in her flashbacks to the past. At Bourton she was too set in her ways to be free spirited. Unlike Sally or Peter, Clarissa was unable to speak her mind, or do as she pleases. She appeared as the model Victorian woman, yet that held her back from following her love of Peter. The concern that her party would be inferior to other parties prevented her from enjoying herself on a day that she should be rejoicful. Clarissa also seemed to be a dreamer. Her life apparently revolved around dreams that appear perfect. For example, the fact that everyone has fun at her party is not as important as the fact that she has fun. The film ?Mrs. Dalloway? was hard to follow, and generally not interesting. This is just my opinion and opinions vary from person to person. Yet if Clarissa had been a free spirit, and not a traditionalist she would have captured my attention as having a purpose. Septimus' purpose is unclear, and the plot is made for those who don't take things for what they are and leave them at that.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Physician Hippocrates and Greek Medicine

The Physician Hippocrates and Greek Medicine Hippocrates, the father of medicine, may have lived from c. 460-377 B.C., a period covering the Age of Pericles and the Persian War. Like other details about Hippocrates, we really know very little beyond the fact that he is considered a great physician and was counted the greatest by the ancient Greeks. Born in Cos, site of an important temple of Asclepius, god of medicine, Hippocrates may have studied medicine with his father. He traveled around Greece training medical students that there are scientific reasons for ailments. Before him, medical conditions were attributed to divine intervention. Hippocrates maintained that all diseases have natural causes. He made diagnoses and prescribed simple treatments like diet, hygiene, and sleep. Hippocrates is the author of the saying Life is short, and the Art long (from his Aphorisms). The name Hippocrates is familiar because of the oath that doctors take (Hippocratic Oath) and a body of early medical treatises that are attributed to Hippocrates (Hippocratic corpus), which includes the Aphorisms. Hippocrates and Humoral Theory Quiz Hippocrates Medical Texts Hippocrates is on the list of Most Important People to Know in Ancient History. Also Known As: The Father of Medicine, the divine old man, Hippocrates of Cos Examples: Hippocrates of Cos isnt the mathematician Hippocrates of Chios. Go to Other Ancient / Classical History Glossary pages beginning with the letter a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | wxyz

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Organizations & Leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizations & Leadership - Assignment Example Additionally, a strategic leader assembles valuable information concerning market trends, competitors, and other information. Alternatively, a strategic manager deals with the management of resources that will help in the implementation phase. This implies that strategic managers work on the proposed plans of the strategic leaders towards the mission and vision of the company. Another specific task of the strategic leaders is the communication of action plans to unit manager for dispersal. This is because efficient communication channels reduce risks and confusion when one leader conveys the company information. Considering this, strategic leaders normally issue information that pertains to the strategies to be adopted, but not issues affecting workers or operations. It is, however, essential to have both leaders within an organization to assist in the overall duty of managing and organizing resources. Their coordination is important for the tasks undertaken by various departments and groups of working units. They help in the decision-making because they are involved in the managerial position within the organization. This gives employees a better perspective of the organization and on how it will improve their understanding of the operations. The distribution of resources becomes efficient when the two leaders work within an organization in order to reduce wastage. This implies that the strategic leader should be able to measure the progress of the workers in regards to the attainment of the objectives. It is also apparent that organizations that employ both leaders tend to minimize errors that may emerge from the workload and organization of tasks.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Introduction to Biometric Identification Database Essay

Introduction to Biometric Identification Database - Essay Example But the evolution of biometrics in the form of automated identification of finger prints, geometry of hand, iris construction, facial structure, genetic makeup etc. is a relatively new phenomenon. Portuguese explorer Joao de Barros also points out1 the existence of Biometrics in China in the 14th century. Barros narrates that Chinese merchants used to stamp their children's palm prints and footprints on a piece of paper with ink. This way the Chinese merchants used to distinguish the young children from one another. This can be termed as the beginning of the modern biometrics. The recent advances in Information Technology and computing have provided newer dimension to this emerging field. During the last couple of decades biometrics has established itself as a comprehensive tool for establishing Identities and Verification. In 1890, Alphonse Bertillon, a Parisian police desk, studied body length to identify criminals. Subsequently the method came to be known as Bertillonage method, which relied heavily on measuring the body length. But the method did not last long as there were many false alarms as a result of false identifications. Thereafter, finger printing became the reliable method of identifying the criminals. There are human rights groups and civil liberties advocates argue that increasing use of biometrics has resulted in trespassing into the privacy of all human beings, but the rise in terrorist activities in recent years has forced the defense and security experts to rely heavily on the biometrics for identifying the mischief makers. Types of Biometrics and their usage A biometric system is designed to test one out of the two possible hypotheses (Wayman et al., 2005): (1) That the submitted samples are from an individual known to the system; or (2) That the submitted samples are from an individual not known to the system. Applications to test the first hypothesis are called "positive identification" systems (verifying a positive claim of enrollment), while applications testing the latter are "negative identification" systems (verifying a claim of no enrollment). Biometrics, in general can be divided into two main groups, physiological and behavioral i. Physiological factors: These factors depend upon the physical structure and appearance of the individual. Iris Scan: The Iris of an individual is scanned to match it with the stored image. Quite often the iris scan may not come out with actual on if the person is putting on dark glasses, or is suffering from some eye disease. Fingerprint: This is one of the oldest tried and tested methods of biometrics. In fact the nail is also included for identification in fingerprinting. Hand: This includes the structure of knuckles, palm and the vascular networking of hand. Face, Earlobe, Lips: The camera scans the facial structure or the fleshy pendulous part of the external ear or lips of the individual. Voice: The voice is also one of the most distinguishing features to identify an individual. Therefore the voice patterns form one of the most dependable biometric measures. Retina: like iris, the retinal structure too provides an insight into the nature and character of the person. DNA: This method too is quite frequently used in a number of cases to establish the identity of the individual. Body Odor and Sweat Pores: There are biometric techniques which can sense the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Social Problems Work Essay Example for Free

Social Problems Work Essay When referring to social problems, society generally looks at them from a larger objective or standpoint. The problem is going to include some typified examples, general terms that are associated with the problem, and statistics created in the claimsmaking process. This macrosociological approach relies on what the media has portrayed the problem to be. It is the job of social problems work to narrowly tailor aspects of a social problem in order to attempt to solve or address it in a practical and immediate manner (Best 227). Best explains that social problems workers, such as doctors and teachers, have encountered stereotypes of their roles that require them to perform grand feats but they work in highly regulated systems and industries. Bureaucratic procedures make it difficult for the workers to effect change directly. This also leads to varied amounts personal discretion that social problem workers possess. Since social problems work is narrowly tailored, specific individuals receive personal attention. These cases can be a doctor and patient’s interaction, a teacher’s conversation with their student, or a police officer’s interaction with a citizen who has made a call. When they are trying to make accurate assessments of each case, the social problems workers have to ask themselves questions like â€Å"What seems to be the problem Which aspects of the case are relevant†¦ Does this seem to be a serious matter†¦ What is the nature of the subject†¦ Are other people watching†¦ Are there work-related considerations†¦? (Best 236-239). Because the nature of their work can be so sensitive, social problems workers find that they are caught in the middle or blamed for the outcome or consequences from their work. As expected, social problems workers expect for the subjects to cooperate with their plan of action in order to help eliminate their issues, but when they do not, the workers are left to deal with the consequences. â€Å"Social problems worker try to control the flow of information about their activities. They generally prefer that others learn about the work they do directly from them†¦Ã¢â‚¬  in order to prevent the possibility of information being distorted by media outlets looking to portray their work in a certain way (Best 248). Some social problems workers go the extreme and tamper with the information they submit to reporting agencies to ensure that they are seen in the best possible light. They are able to get away with this because there are many situations in which workers are required to use their own personal discretion with out having to defer power to their supervisors or bosses until afterwards. Social problems workers are required to bring larger, abstract problems to a personal, more detailed level. Doing this can benefit certain claims by bringing an actual face and story to a social problem. It does not only create the perfect victim, but it gives a face and a personal account of how the social problem has directly affected their life or wellbeing. Activist as claims makers would benefit from using social problems workers, their subjects, and cases as a method to personify their claim. Experts as claims makers would only be able to capitalize off of social problems work by using the possibly skewed data and statistics they provide in order to give an overall picture. By looking at individual workers and cases, there is a chance they can encounter a unique situation that is not consistent with the data or point they are trying to make. In lecture, we discussed the need for claims makers to not only have statistical and concrete information to prove and advance their claim, but the need for the public to be able to relate to it and see how is also affects them or their loved ones. If it does not, there will be no reason for them to want to support the cause. Social problems work is an ideal way for this to be done because it finds a medium between expert testimony and activists. Many people have interactions with social problems workers, so it is easy for them to bring up their concerns with a particular problem and see how and if they can help or are at risk. For example, child abuse is a social issue that draws attention because of the underage status of its victims. People see children as helpless and in need of a nurturing guardian. Any adult can as a police officer, doctor, or teacher what resources are available to serve as a safe haven for abused children. I feel as though the media and social problems workers have made efforts to use each other for their own gain and benefit. Various media outlets can call upon social problems workers to boost their ratings by bring sensationalized stories and cases. This is used to play on the emotions of the public and â€Å"guilt† them into advancing their cause. This can be seen with infomercials regarding poor children in â€Å"third world countries†, children with cancer, and animal abuse advocates. Organizations like Feed The Children use images of celebrities or former government officials next to images of poverty stricken, starving children. Viewers are made to feel guilty because they are told that the amount of money they use on their daily coffee can provide essentials for that child. Once the viewer has made the connection between how much their Starbucks cost and the idea that their child does not have to live that life, they are then compelled to donate to the organization. The social problems worker in the commercial has been used a pawn for donations and ratings. Similarly, hospitals that specifically cater to children with terminal illness show individual cases of these children and their doctors. Sometimes their parents explain that their child would have not survived without the donations from viewers because the hospital does not charge for their services. The doctors also add their perspective as to how much their procedures would have cost. After they have explained the financial aspect of the individual child’s care, they then proceed to use the medical terminology for their condition with images of young children attached to massive hospital equipment. After watching the commercial and listening to the doctors, the public generally assumes that they are correct and donates to the organization. The media does this as well with animal abuse advocates. They show footage of domestic pets with lesions and injuries. Viewers are led to assume that they came from their owners. While the intentions of social problems workers are usually genuine, they are put on display on these commercials for the benefit of the organization and the network airing it, not necessarily the actual social problem or those affected by it. Social problems workers have the hard task of doing their jobs and helping their subjects in their particular cases. This is a difficult task because of the bureaucratic red tape and policies that they work through. For them to try to solve an entire social problem by themselves would be an endless task, especially due to the added consequences and stresses from the general nature of their work. This can lead to embellishments in their actual efficiency and a lackadaisical attitude towards the issue entirely. Different types of claims makers have attempted to use social problems workers to benefit them and not the entire problem, but despite this, their social problems worker and those they come in contact with are an invaluable aspect to ridding society of the issue in its entirety.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Server Architectures of Existing Presence Services

Server Architectures of Existing Presence Services In this section, we describe the system model, and the search problem. Formally, we assume the geographically distributed presence servers to form a server to-server overlay network, G = (V,E), where V is the set of the Presence Server (PS) nodes, and E is a collection of ordered pairs of V . Each PS node ni ∈ V represents a Presence Server and an element of E is a pair (ni,nj) ∈ E with ni,nj ∈ V . Because the pair is ordered, (nj,ni) ∈ E is not equivalent to (ni,nj) ∈ E. So, the edge (ni,nj) is called an outgoing edge of ni, and an incoming edge of nj. The server overlay enables its PS nodes to communicate with one another by forwarding messages through other PS nodes in the server overlay. Also, we denote a set of the mobile users in a presence service as U = {u1,,ui,,um}, where 1 ≠¤ i ≠¤ m and m is the number of mobile users. A mobile user ui connects with one PS node for search other user’s presence information, and to notify the other mo bile users of his/her arrival. Moreover, we define a buddy list as following. Buddy list, Bi = {b1,b2,,bk} of user ui ∈ U, is defined as a subset of U, where 0 i ∈ Bj implies uj ∈ Bi.For example, given a mobile user up is in the buddy list of a mobile user uq, the mobile user uq also appear in the buddy list of the mobile user up. Note that to simplify the analysis of the Buddy-List Search Problem, we assume that buddy relation is a symmetric. However, in the design of Presence Cloud, the relation of buddies can be unilateral because the search operation  of PresenceCloud can retrieve the presence of a mobile user by given the ID of the mobile user. Problem Statement: Search Problem When a mobile user ui changes his/her presence status, the presence service searches presence information of mobile users in buddy list Bi of ai and notifies each of them of the presence of ai and also notifies ai of these online buddies. The Search Problem is then defined as designing a server architecture of presence service such that the costs of searching and notification in communication and storage are reduced. 1.2 Motivation Because of the increasing of the Internet, mobile devices and cloud computing environments can provide presence-enabled applications, i.e., social network applications/services, worldwide. Facebook , Twitter, Foursquare, Google Latitude , buddycloud and Mobile Instant Messaging (MIM) , are examples of presence-enabled applications that have grown rapidly in the last decade. Social network services are changing the ways in which They exploit the information about the status of participants including their appearances and activities to interact with their friends. The huge availability of mobile devices (e.g., Smartphones) that utilize wireless mobile network technologies, social network services enable participants to share presence experiences instantly across great distances. For example, Facebook receives more than 75 billion shared items every month and Twitter receives more than 60 million tweets each day. In the future, mobile devices will become more popular than today, sensing and media capture devices. Hence, we believe it is useful and social network services will be the next generation of mobile Internet applications. A mobile presence service is an important component of social network services in cloud computing environments. The key function of a mobile presence service is to maintain an present list of presence information of all mobile users. The presence information includes details about a mobile clients or user location, availability, activity, device capability, and their choices. The service must also bind the this clients ID to his/her current presence information, as well as retrieve and subscribe to changes in the presence information of the user’s friends. In social network services, each mobile user has a friend list, typically called a buddy list, which contains the contact information of other users that he/she wants to communicate with. The mobile user’s status is known automatically to each person on the buddy list whenever he/she moves from one location to the other. For example, when a mobile user logs into a social network application, such as an Instant Messagi ng system, through his/her mobile device, the mobile presence service searches for and notifies everyone on the user’s buddy list. To maximize a mobile presence service’s search speed and minimize the notification time, most presence services use server cluster technology. Currently, more than 400 million people use social network services on the Internet. Given the growth of social network applications and mobile network capacity, it is expected that the number of mobile presence service users will increase substantially in the near future. Thus, a scalable mobile presence service is deemed essential for future Internet applications. In the last decade, many Internet services have been deployed in distributed paradigms as well as cloud computing applications. For example, the services developed by Google and Facebook are spread among as many distributed servers as possible to support the huge number of users worldwide. Thus, we explore the relationship between distributed presence servers and server network topologies on the Internet, and propose an efficient and scalable server-to-server overlay architecture called PresenceCloud to improve the scalability of mobile presence services for large-scale social network services. First, we examine the server architectures of existing presence services, and introduce the search problem in distributed presence architectures in large-scale geographically data centers. The search problem is a scalability problem that occurs when a distributed presence service is overloaded with buddy search messages. Then, we discuss the architecture of PresenceCloud, a scalable server-to-server architecture that can be used as a building block for mobile presence services. The rationale behind the architecture of PresenceCloud is to distribute the information of millions of users among thousands of presence servers on the Internet. To avoid single point of failure, no single presence server is supposed to maintain all the information about all users. PresenceCloud arranges presence servers into a quorum-based server-to-server architecture to facilitate efficient searching. It also leverages the server overlay and a directed buddy search algorithm to achieve small constant search latency; and employs an active caching strategy that substantially reduces the number of messages generated by each search for a list of searching process. We analyze the performance of PresenceCloud and two other architectures, a Mesh-based scheme and a Distributed Hash Table based scheme. Through simulations, we also c ompare the performance of the three approaches in terms of the number of messages generated and the search satisfaction which we use to denote the search response time and the buddy notification time. The results demonstrate that PresenceCloud achieves major performance gains in terms of reducing the number of messages to reduce network traffic without sacrificing search satisfaction. Thus, PresenceCloud can support a large-scale applications distributed among thousands of servers on the Internet. The contribution of this paper is threefold. First, PresenceCloud is among the imporatanta architecture for mobile presence services. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that shown the architecture of presence cloud that significantly best than those based distributed hash tables. PresenceCloud can also be utilized by Internet social network applications and services that need to replicate or search for mutable and dynamic data among distributed presence servers. The second contribution is that we analyze the scalability problems of distributed presenceserver architectures, and define a new problem called the buddy-list search problem. Through our mathematical formula, the scalability problem in the distributed server architectures of mobile presence services is analyzed. Finally, we analyze the performance complexity of Presence- Cloud and different designs of distributed architectures, and evaluate to prove the applications of PresenceCloud. 1.3 Existing System In this section, we describe the previous research on presence services, and survey the presence service of existing systems. Well known commercial Instant Messaging systems has some form of centralized clusters to provide presence services. Jennings III et al. presented a taxonomy of different features and functions supported by the three most popular Instant Messaging systems and Yahoo! Messenger. The authors also provided an overview of the system architectures and observed that the systems use client-server-based architectures. Skype, a popular voice over Internet Protocol application, utilizes the Global Index (GI) technology to provide a presence service for clients and people. Global Index is a multi-tiered network architecture where each node maintains full knowledge of all available clients connected to it. Since Skype is not an open protocol, it is difficult to determine how GI technology is used for presence services. Moreover, Xiao et al. analyzed the traffic of MSN and A IM system. They found that the presence information is one of most network traffic in instant messaging systems. In, authors shown that the largest message traffic in existing presence services is buddy NOTIFY messages. 1.4 Limitations of Existing System This system allows makes congestion in the network. It is not applicable for large scale network. It increases the search latency. 1.5 Proposed System Recently, there is an increase amount of interest in how to design a peer-to-peer Session Initiation Protocol. P2PSIP has been developed to remove the the disadvantages of centralized server, reduce costs, and prevent loses due to failures in server-based SIP deployment. To maintain presence information, P2PSIP clients are organized in a Distributed Hash Tables system, rather than in a centralized server. However, the presence service architectures of Jabber and P2PSIP are distributed, the buddy-list search problem we defined later also could affect such distributed systems. It is noted that few papers in discuss about the scalability issues of the distributed presence server architecture. Saint Andre observed the traffic generated as a result of presence information between users of inter-domains that support the XMPP. Houri et al. Show that the amount of presence traffic in SIMPLE can be extremely high, and they analyze the effect of a large presence system on the memory CPU loading. Those works in study related problems and developing an initial set of guidelines for optimizing inter-domain presence traffic and present a DHT-based presence server architecture. Recently, presence services are also developed in the mobile services. For example, 3GPP has defined the integration of presence service into its specification in UMTS. It is based on SIP protocol, and uses SIMPLE to manage presence information. Recently, some mobile devices also support mobile presence services. For example, the Instant Messaging and Presence Services (IMPS) was developed by the Wireless Village consortium and was united into Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) IMPS in 2005. In, Chen et al. proposed a weakly consistent scheme to reduce the number of updating messages in mobile presence services of IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). However, it also suffers scalability problem since it uses a central SIP server to perform presence update of mobile users. In, authors presented the server scalability and distributed management issues in IMS-based presence service. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE SURVEY Chapter – 2 Literature Survey 2.1 Introduction In this section, we describe previous researches on presence services, and survey the presence service of existing systems 2.2 Related Paper Discussions 2.2.1 Title: A study of internet instant messaging and chat protocols Year: 2006 Author: R. B. Jennings, E. M. Nahum, D. P. Olshefski, D. Saha, Z.-Y. Shae, Description: Well known commercial Instant Messaging systems has some form of centralized clusters to maintain presence services. Jennings III presented a taxonomy of different features and functions supported by the three most popular Instant Messaging systems, AIM, Microsoft MSN and Yahoo! Messenger. The authors also provided a description of the system architectures and analized that the systems use client-server-based architectures. 2.2.2 Title: Understanding instant messaging traffic characteristics Year: 2007 Author: Z. Xiao, L. Guo, and J. Tracey Description: Xiao analyzed the traffic of MSN and AIM system. They observed and got that the presence information is one of most messaging traffic in instant messaging systems 2.2.3 Title: Ims presence server: Traffic analysis and performance modelling Year: 2008 Author: C. Chi, R. Hao, D. Wang, and Z.-Z. Cao, Description: In this, authors shown that the huge message traffic in existing presence services is searching the locations ,buddies etc. 2.2.4 Title: Peer-to-peer internet telephony using sip Year:2009 Author: K. Singh and H. Schulzrinne Description: Now a days, there is an increase amount of interest in how to design a peer-to-peer Session Initiation Protocol . Peer to Peer SIP has been developed to remove the centralized server, reduce maintenance costs, and prevent disadvantages in server-based SIP deployment. To maintain presence information, P2PSIP clients are arranged in a DHT system, rather than in a centralized server. However, the presence service architectures of Jabber and P2PSIP are distributed, the search problem we defined later also could affect such distributed systems.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Magnolia Essay

In July 1992, Magnolia corporation publicly challenged xemexco marketing corporation markers of zest –o brand juice drinks to match the real fruit content of magnolia fruit drinks and to prove that the zest – o does not use chemical ingredients to preserve their products. Magnolia claim that there is a big difference between real fruit drinks that contains at least 10% real juice and artificial fruit drinks which contain less than 10% and depend more on artificial flavoring and chemical preservatives such as sodium benzoate to keep some products from easily spoiling. You are a marketing manager of zest – o, what would you do to the public challenge of magnolia assuming: a. You don’t have at least 10% juice content b. You have at least 10% juice content A. Accepting the challenge of magnolia knowing that your product doesn’t have at least 10% juice content would be a great factor of slumping your product sales, as a marketing manager of Zest –O I wouldn’t accept the challenge of magnolia because it would lead to downfall of my product Being the marketing manager of Zest-O changing the products name packaging and adding more nutritional content is the best alternative so that the consumers will not focus on the product nutritional content but on the new look of product . B. Accepting the challenge of magnolia would be a great opportunity by increasing the sales of our product in the market by returning the favor in them that what if we prove that our product do have 10 % juice content. Ingredient list is very helpful in determining nutritional content. A lengthy list of ingredients is another clue for the people that our product is not 100 percent fruit juice, but rather a fruit flavored drink or fruit juice blend so that the consumers are aware that our product have at least 10% percent real fruit drink, so they won’t have to worry about our product safety.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Gender Roles in “Their Eyes Were Watching God” Essay

During the 1900’s, women, specifically black women, were considered to be property of men in the United States, especially down south, in states such as Florida and Georgia. Legally, women had no voice. For example, if a woman was abused by her husband, the court system would not acknowledge it even if it did really happen. In the article â€Å"Sexism in the Early 1900’s†, Becca Woltemath states that â€Å"†¦a woman’s job is to take care of the house and to bear children. She’s no good for anything else. She’s just a simple thinker.† Women were forced into submission and there was nothing they could do about it. In the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston shows the issue of gender roles through the story of a young woman named Janie, who struggles through an arranged marriage. Through multiple characters, as well as the plot, sexism comes to the surface. As soon as the novel begins, it is evident the roles of men and women play a very big part in this novel: â€Å"Ships at a distance have every man’s wish on board. For some they come in with the tide. For others they sail forever†¦Now, women forget all those things they don’t want to remember, and remember everything they don’t want to forget† (Hurston 1). In this opening paragraph of Their Eyes Were Watching God, Hurston compares the wishes and dreams of men and women in a particularly interesting way. By using the sea as a symbol, she is saying that men can never really control their dreams, just wait for them to come true. While women on the other hand, can take their dreams into their own hands, molding them as they see fit. Making this comparison establishes the theme of gender difference throughout the novel, and ultimately foreshadows the fact that Janie is going to struggle, yet will stop at nothing to achieve what she sets her mind to. After first setting the tone, Nanny is introduced. Her traditional values of womanly roles such as cooking and cleaning lead us to believe that Janie will be the same way. But when Janie kisses Johnny Taylor, her view of men changes after seeing â€Å"a dust-bearing bee sink into the sanctum of a bloom; the thousand sister-calyxes arch to meet the love embrace and the ecstatic shiver of the tree from root to tiniest branch creaming in every blossom and frothing with delight. So this was a marriage! She had been summoned to  behold a revelation† (Hurston 11). This paragraph is one of the most important, if not the most, in the whole book. Comparing love to the relationship between a bee and its flower, Janie suddenly craves, love, passion, and above all, someone she can consider her equal. Unfortunately, though, equality was a foreign concept during this time period. Men were seen as â€Å"all-powerful†, considered the sole providers and the only ones allowed to hold any sort of office or high-status job. Women, on the other hand, were the complete opposite. In an article written by Dorothy W. Hartman, a historian, she states: Women’s God-given role, it stated, was as wife and mother, keeper of the household â€Å"Women’s God-given role, it stated, was as wife and mother, keeper of the household†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Many people, including blacks, believed in this sort of household: the men being on top, with the women considered far inferior. In Janie’s first relationship, it is clear this is not the equality she has hoped for. Logan Killicks- an elderly, black man her grandmother has arranged for her to marry- treats Janie like a servant and not like a wife at all. There is no love present, and every day is a chore. Even though Nanny knows Janie is not happy, she insists the marriage is a good one: â€Å"’Heah yo is wid de onliest organ in town, amonst colored folks, in yo’ parlow. Got a house bought and paid for and sixty acres uh land right on de big road†¦Lawd have mussy! Dat’s de very prong all us black women gits hung on’† (Hurston 23). In Nanny’s speech, Hurston is trying to emphasize that the female’s only role is to marry and look good, and let the man do all the work. Also in her article, Hartman says that â€Å"†¦due to the fact that the man was almost always working, little room was left to develop a connection between husband and wife; love was a foreign concept.†, which describes what Janie and Logan have together exactly. Despite being given all she should want, Janie seeks more. When Joe â€Å"Jody† Starks appears out of nowhere, Janie feels like her dreams have finally come true. But after a while, the marriage turns out to be little more than the stint with Killicks. Starks, like Killicks, treats her as property and not as someone he actually loves. One example is how Jody makes Janie put her hair up in a wrap while working in the store, rather  than leave it down. Another is when he publicly criticizes her appearance, saying she is starting to show her age, when he is clearly at least ten years older: â€Å"’ You ain’t no young courtin’ gal. You’se uh old woman, nearly fourty’† (Hurston 79). Joe feels the need to tear down Janie, in order to make himself feel more important, which was an important part of being a man during this time. By reading the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, one could immediately pick up on the difference gender played during the late 1800’s and into the early 1900’s. While women were expected to stay at home and clean and take care of children, men worked to provide for their families and were considered far superior. While these prejudices have slowly gotten better over time, most of them still exist to a small extent in today’s society. Through the characters’ attitudes and narratives, especially Janie’s relationships, and the society’s feelings as a whole, Their Eyes Were Watching God clearly displays the social issues of sexism and gender roles. Works Cited Hartman, Dorothy W. â€Å"Women’s Roles in the Late 19th Century.† Conner Prairie Interactive History Park. Conner Prairie, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2013. Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God. New York: Perennial Library, 1990. Print. Woltemath, Becca. â€Å"Sexism in the Early 1900s.†Worldbook Encyclopedia. Worldbook, 11 Dec. 2012. Web. 29 Jan. 2013.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Job Satisfaction Significance

Job Satisfaction Significance Introduction Definitions and a short discussion Job satisfaction is a significant part of social well-being (Cakmur 1). An evaluation of job quality offers a good interpreter of future labor-market performance. As such, job satisfaction influences employees’ decisions with respect to working hours, job selection, and turnover (Han 84). Three of the definitions used in the article are illustrated below:Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Job Satisfaction Significance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Job satisfaction refers to the level of gratification workers attach to their labor. Subjective well-being is used in reference to how individuals acknowledge the value of their existence. It and comprises of both thoughtful responses and mental decisions. Organizational citizenship behavior refers to a theory that defines an individuals voluntary obligation in a firm that is not a portion of his or her prescribe d responsibilities. Literature review One study indicates that employees in OECD countries believe that financial recompenses are prioritized after other features of a job such as employment security, job interest, promotion prospects, and independence (Clark 4). Another research noted that organizational commitment deserves further attention in the workplace because there was a robust academic support for its influence on organizational citizenship behavior (Williams 601). A third study focused on subjective well-being (Diener 71). The research noted that three components of subjective wellbeing existed. They are positive effect, negative effect, and life satisfaction. Hypotheses The first hypothesis for the study suggests that employees in UAE are more likely to feel job difficulty compared to workers in OECD countries. The second hypothesis claims that hours of work and remunerations influence job satisfaction. On the other hand, the third hypothesis suggests that there are many aspects of quality of job that affect job satisfaction other than the above mentioned two features. Method Subjects The study utilized 265 participants. The table below illustrates the percentages of our subjects: Subjects Percentages Males 29% Females 71% BA degree 54% Master’s degree 6% Married 45% Expatriate 42% Fig 1: A summary of the seven items Questionnaires used and reliability of analysis result The research utilized three articles to come up with good questioners. They are Job Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship, and Life Satisfaction Questionnaire. The questionnaire developed had five items. The participants were required to indicate if they approved or differed with the question posed. They utilized a 1-5 Likert scale to note down their expressions. The scaled ranged from I strongly agree to I strongly disagree. The reliability scores of Likert scale were low because they were subject to social desirability.Advertising Looking for c ase study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A short description of how the survey was conducted The survey utilized interviews to collect the required data. Through this, researchers questioned participants in person to collect their personal views. The queries used during the studies were close ended. Results Tables After the results had been collected, they were analyzed to illustrate their mean and standard deviation. The variables used in calculating correlation were salary, work time, opportunities, security, and job content. The table representing the mean and the standard deviation of the results obtained is indicated below: What is your gender N Mean Std. Deviation Mean Overall I am satisfied with my job Male 61 5.07 1.515 .194 Female 2014 4.72 1.562 .109 Figure 2: table showing mean and standard deviation A short discussion of statistical methods After that, a correlation, regression, and t-test analysis were undertaken. Correlation and regression table is indicated below: Fig 3: Regression analysis of overall job satisfaction Discussion Interpretation of results To sanctify the connection of general job gratification to the integral portions described above, the researchers came up with a regression examination. The figure above illustrates the outcomes of the regression analysis conducted on seven variables. As indicated in the table, the assessed figures show that all seven variables of quality of job are considerably related to overall job satisfaction.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Job Satisfaction Significance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The biggest impact on general job gratification is linked with job content. The above variable is followed by job security. The third feature that affects jobs satisfaction is income. The table indicates that the time spent working has the lea st impact on job satisfaction. Study limitations During the research process, the researchers experienced many problems that might have affected the outcomes of their results. For instance, access to the target institutions identified as the study population was a major challenge. Equally, the process of convincing employees to be part of the study was complicated. For example, most workers did not like to be involved in procedures that tend to question or investigate their work practices. Secondly, the process of recruiting the most skilled employees to be participants in the study was relatively long because most of them had tight schedules due to the nature of their work. Future research In the future, researches should be focused on determining the effects of the levels of job satisfaction on employee performance. The general statement suggests that low levels of job satisfaction are to be blamed for the ever-increasing workplace-related stress and turnover (Abdulla, Djebarni, a nd Mellahi 130). Therefore, organizations should enhance their job satisfaction levels to address conflicts and enhance productivity in the workplaces. The initiative will enable the employees to develop a positive staff culture, boost their morale and motivation, and improve employer and employee relationship. Abdulla, Jassem, Ramdane Djebarni, and Kamel Mellahi. â€Å"Determinants of Job Satisfaction in the UAE†. Personnel Review 40.1 (2011): 126-146. Print. Cakmur, Hulya. â€Å"Concept and Evaluation of Job Satisfaction: Developed Job Satisfaction Index†. TAF Prev Med Bull (2011): 1-2. Print.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Clark, Andrew. â€Å"Measures Of Job Satisfaction: What Makes A Good Job? Evidence From OECD Countries†. OECD Labour Market and Social Policy Occasional 34.12 (1998): 3-41. Print. Diener, Eid. â€Å"The Satisfaction with Life Scale†. Journal of Personality Assessment 49.1 (1985): 71-75. Print. Han, Yi. â€Å"The Relationship between Job Performance And Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, And Goal Orientation†. Acta Psychologica Sinica 40.1 (2008): 84-91. Print. Williams, Larry. â€Å"Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment as Predictors of Organizational Citizenship and In-Role Behaviors†. Journal of Management 17.3 (1991): 601-617. Print.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Gender-Inclusive Language for English Learners

Gender-Inclusive Language for English Learners Gender refers to either being a man or a woman. Gender-inclusive language can be defined as language  that doesn’t prefer one gender over another. Here are a few examples of gender-biased language  common in the English language used in the past. A doctor can treat you for a wide variety of diseases. It’s important that he understands your health history. Successful businessmen understand how to negotiate good deals. In the first sentence, the writer speaks in general about doctors, but assumes that a doctor is a man. In the second example, the term businessmen ignores the fact that many successful business people arewomen. Terminology Gender the sex of a person - male or female  Gender-inclusive including all gendersGender-biased showing a preference for or against a genderGender-neutral showing no preference for or against a gender As an English student, it’s possible that you’ve learned some English that has gender-biased language. Gender-biased can be understood as language which uses stereotypes to describe men and women.   This article will help you recognize gender-biased English language statements and provide suggestions on how you can use more gender-inclusive language. English is already difficult enough, so you might not think this is  important. However, there is a strong push towards the use of more gender-neutral language in day to  day usage, especially at work. Over the past few decades, writers and instructors have become more aware of common terminology and writing styles that tend to favor men and assumptions about behavior that no longer reflect the modern world. To change this, English speakers have adopted new terminology that reflects a more gender-neutral style. Common Changes in Professions The easiest change you can make is with professions that end in ‘-man’ such as ‘businessman’ or‘postman’. Often we substitute ‘person’ for ‘-man’, in other cases the name of the profession maychange. Another word that changes is ‘master’ which indicates a man. Here are some of the most common changes. Common Changes to Gender-Inclusive English actress - actorstewardess - flight attendantanchorman/anchorwoman - anchorbusinessman/businesswoman - businesspersonchairman/chairwoman - chair person / chaircongressman - member of congress / congress personcraftsman - artisandeliveryman – courierdoorman -  door attendentstatesman - statespersonfireman -  firefighterfreshman - first year studenthandyman - maintenance personheadmaster - principalheroine -  herohousewife - homemakerFrenchman -  French personmaid - house cleanermailman - mail carriermankind - humanitymaster - expertmasterpiece – great work of artMiss / Mrs. - Ms.mother tongue - native language/first languagespokesman/spokeswoman - spokespersonwaitress/waiter - wait personpoliceman - police officer/officer Shaun Fawcett has a great page if youre interested in an extensive list of gender-neutral equivalent words. Mr. and Ms. In English, Mr. is used for all men. However, in the past, women were either ‘Mrs.’ or ‘Miss’ dependingon whether they were married. Now, ‘Ms.’ is used for all women. ‘Ms.’ reflects that it is not important toknow whether a woman is married or not.   Gender-Neutral Pronouns Pronouns can be very tricky. In the past, when speaking in general, the pronoun ‘he’ was often used. A person who lives in the country has many advantages. He can enjoy daily walks and enjoy fresh air. He can live a healthy life and meet with his friends. However, this shows a bias towards men in general. Of course, there are healthy women who live in the country! Here are a few suggestions on how to stay away from this common mistake. They She/He Using they/them to indicate a single, gender neutral person  is now commonly accepted.   You can be sure someone understands by how they react to your statement.Does anybody know the answer to the question? They can email the director with the answer. He/She Before they/them entered the common vernacular, writers often used he/she – him/her (or she/he – her/him) to show both are possible when speaking in general. When someone gets ready to find a new job, he/she needs to be aware that there are many challenges in this difficult market. It’s up to her/him to research any job opening carefully. Alternating Pronouns Another approach is to change pronoun forms throughout your writing. This can be confusing to the reader. Someone who goes shopping will have too many choices. He might have more than twenty clothing stores to choose from. Or, she might just go to a department store. In any case, he might spend more time trying to find just the right item.   Plural Forms   Another way to be gender-neutral in your writing is to speak in general and use plural forms when possible rather than the singular. Consider this example: A student has to be on time and take careful notes. He/She also needs to do homework every night.Students have to be on time and take careful notes. They also need to do homework every night.   In the second example, the plural pronoun they replaces students as the rules are meant for everybody.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

MGT 672 ROLLS ROYCE VS GE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

MGT 672 ROLLS ROYCE VS GE - Essay Example It helps in achieving the objectives of organizations as a whole. A strategy refers to the coordinated means by which an organization pursues its goals and objectives (book_study, n.d.) In this context, the strategies of the two leading companies in the aircraft engine industry-GE and Rolls Royce assumes significance. GE is the market leader in aircraft engine sales. It is a highly diversified conglomerate with exposure in business of light bulbs, medical devices, commercial jet engines, home mortgages, broadcasting and self storage facilities. The sale of aircraft engines accounts for less than 10% of its revenues. In contrast, Rolls Royce holds the second position in aircraft engine sales. 74% of its revenue comes from this industry. Therefore, business strategy in the aircraft engine industry is the key for Rolls Royce, while corporate strategy assumes much importance for GE (book_study, n.d., p. 10). This paper aims to study these two companies of the aircraft engine industry and comment on the differences in strategies adopted by them. From the findings of the study, the paper draws conclusions regarding the differences of business strategy and corporate strategy. ... Depending on the position of the resources in the continuum, an organization has to decide on the set of businesses it should operate and other design criteria. General nature of resources gives wide scope of business. Co-ordination is achieved through transfer of resources. Size of corporate office is small and financial control system is adopted. Specialized nature of resources narrows the scope of business. Co-ordination is achieved through sharing of resources. Size of corporate office is large and operating control system is adopted. (Collis, Montgomery, Campbell & Goold, 1999, p. 4-6) Vision & Strategy of Rolls Royce: Rolls Royce is a global company that believes in the principle of sustainable development. The Global Code of Business Ethics of Rolls Royce includes continuous improvement of production facilities, being world class in health, safety and environment management and being socially responsible. Social progress depends on economic development which can be brought abo ut by fresh, dependable and inexpensive energy and transport system. Rolls Royce has strong R & D facilities and record of innovation. It uses these strengths to develop efficient energy and transport system. Through the application of consistent business strategy, Rolls Royce has matured during the previous 2 decades. â€Å"Civil aerospace, Defense aerospace, Marine and energy† are the four global markets in which Rolls Royce operates. Of these global markets, civil aerospace accounted for almost 45% of the underlying revenue in the year 2010. (Our consistent strategy, 2011) The core characteristics underlying the strategies of Rolls Royce are as follows: Closeness to customers: Rolls Royce is an organization highly focused on its

Friday, November 1, 2019

Should the potential benefits of financial system innovation deter Essay

Should the potential benefits of financial system innovation deter regulators from imposing restrictions on the activities of fi - Essay Example Firstly, it spurs economic growth by facilitating the easy flow of funds from the agents who have less or limited productive projects to agents with higher productive avenues. Secondly, the level of risk taken by an investor is reduced on account of a broader availability of assets resulting in greater diversification benefits and risk sharing. However, the above views have come under tremendous criticism with the predication that financial innovation reduces the risk exposure of the investors. The financial innovation was essentially introduced from a positive perspective but it has been seen that these innovations had a negative impact on the overall economy. Though the main purpose of this innovation was to aid the growing external debt market in U.S., it is now blamed to be the pivotal cause of the recent credit turmoil. To avoid such recurrences in the future, the regulatory bodies need to exercise a greater control over the financial markets. (Piazza, â€Å"Financial Innovatio n and Risk, The Role of Information†). Financial innovation: bane or boon Innovation is a ‘double-edged sword’. ... This blend of good and bad means the views on financial innovation is likely to be very subjective. As in the case of automobile inventions, while some view it as a gain for the economy and society; there are others, though very few in number, who believe that pollution and accidental deaths arising from this invention outweigh the societal and economic benefits. According to analysts, ‘financial innovation’ caused the recent financial crisis with the extent of culpability ranging from secondary to extreme. According to some, financial innovation has led to some very effective inventions such as the ATM machine whereas the other financial inventions like Structured Investment Vehicles (SIV’s) are a bane. The list of positive innovations includes Automated Teller Machine (ATM), debit cards, money market funds, exchanged traded funds, indexed mutual funds, currency and interest rate swaps (The Brookings Institution, â€Å"The Pros and Cons of Financial Innovationâ € ). The use of debit cards has enhanced the attractiveness of accounts as people no longer have to stand in queues to withdraw money. The introduction of financial swaps has empowered the businesses to hedge against any unforeseen circumstances. So, if a business with a huge export base is wary of depreciation of the receivables then it can take a suitable position in the currency swap. By this way, the value of its receivables remains intact. Similarly, a prospective borrower afraid of rise in interest rates, can buy forward rate agreements (FRAs) that will safeguard his position in the event of any unfavorable movement in interest rates. Financial innovation has empowered the domestic companies to raise the necessary funds or invest surpluses in the foreign capital markets.